
Village Hall Refurbishment Fund

Published 27 November 2017

At its AGM on the 22nd November, the Show Society generously voted overwhelmingly to donate £10,000 to the Village Hall Refurbishment Fund. It became clear at the meeting just how well the Village Hall was used and how highly members valued it. The fund now stands at £14,000. A Parish Council working group is actively into ways of obtaining grants. It is clear that some grant giving bodies require match funding, so it is important that we get as much ‘no strings attached’ money in the fund as possible. Our County Councillor Martyn Tittley gave the Parish Council money to draw up the first draft of plans for the proposed work which will renovate the lobby, kitchen and toilet areas and which will be displayed in the Village Hall Lobby.

Allan Howard

Village news from Helen Price – 23/11/17

Published 20 November 2017

Helen Price
01543 472203

Kings Bromley Parish Council
The granite faces on the War Memorial have been renovated. Local firm Cannell Memorials of Curborough cleaned the faces, refixed and repainted the lettering in time for the Armistice service on Sunday 12th November. The Parish Council has also purchased oak posts which will be used to replace the existing ones as necessary.
Kings Bromley Historians

Following an interesting trip last month to the lovely and historical church at Breedon-on-the-Hill, this month’s meeting will be held at the village hall on Friday 24th November at 8.00 pm. It promises to be an interesting talk by Linzi Cooke on Victorian Prostitution in Lichfield!

War Memorial work

Published 14 November 2017

Parishioners may have noticed that the granite faces on the War Memorial have been renovated. Local firm Cannell Memorials of Curborough cleaned the faces, refixed and repainted the lettering in time for the Armistice service on Sunday 12th November. The Parish Council has also purchased oak posts which will be used to replace the existing ones as necessary.

Parish Council

Village news from Helen Price – 16/11/17

Published 13 November 2017

Helen Price
01543 472203
Kings Bromley WI Meeting November 2017
This month’s meeting saw the ladies of the WI learn all about meditation and relaxation.
Our speaker, Bernadette Woodward is a holistic therapist with over 20 years experience in
these fields as well as crystal and colour therapy and is also a reiki master teacher. We were
told a little about the history of mindfulness which is very much in vogue now and was first
documented by the Egyptians.
We looked at how our stressful lives in the 21 st century can have a huge impact on mental
health and our physical wellbeing. Our ancestors would have slept more hours and had
more time to reflect on their day, spending time sitting and thinking without worrying or
feeling rushed. Bernadette helped us to use our senses to bring some relaxation elements
into every day activities, using our sense of smell, hearing and taste.
We then enjoyed purchasing from the Bring and Buy stalls and would like to thank the ladies
for the lovely items of jewellery, handbags, plants, scarves and other accessories. Carol won
the raffle prize.
Our next meeting is the American supper, so can members please bring a dish for the buffet;
we have the Yoxall Strummers to entertain us on 7 th December.

Gardening Guild meeting, Monday 20th
The speaker at the next meeting, 7.45 pm in the Village Hall, will be David Tideswell talking
on “Seasonal Garden Birds”. The Christmas Dinner will be held at The Boars Head, Sudbury,
on Monday 27th November.
Whist Drive, Tuesday 21st
Come along and join the whist drive at the village hall, alternate Tuesday afternoons
throughout the winter, 1.30 for a prompt 2.00 pm start.
Wednesday Club
41 members attended the AGM on November 1 st . Anne Ashcroft, retiring President/Chair,
began her report by reflecting on the sad loss of 6 of our members during the past 12
months. After reviewing the year’s programme, Anne thanked all committee members, past
and present, for their help and support over the last 3 years. A vote of thanks to Anne was
proposed and she was presented with a gift from members in appreciation of all she has
done for the Wednesday Club.

Members were then entertained to a Christmas Miscellany from our guest speaker Audrey
Hall. The miscellany covered all aspects of Christmas – nativity plays, carols, food, drink and
gifts – in the form of anecdotes, songs, poems, letters and even recipes. Items ranged from
the humorous: – the young boy who argued vehemently with the vicar that the baby born at
Christmas was not Jesus but Wayne! He’d heard about him – sung about him – “A Wayne in
a manger.”!! To the poignant: – the letter from an officer of the 1 st Division North
Staffordshire Regiment written from the trenches on Christmas Eve 1914. The letter
described an unofficial truce during which the guns on both sides were silent, greetings
exchanged, hands shaken and carols sung. All this in the knowledge that in a few short hours
the guns and the killing would begin again.
Next Meeting: December 13 th Christmas Lunch at the Royal Oak (12.30. for 1.00.)
NB. A committee meeting held at the end of the afternoon confirmed Lin Allen as our new
President/Chair. Congratulations Lin!!

Village news from Helen Price – 7/11/17

Published 6 November 2017

Kings Bromley Gardening Guild

At the October meeting the speaker for the evening was Kathryn Robey, curator at the Dorothy Clive Garden. Members had enjoyed a visit to the garden in July and now could appreciate the story of the history and present development of the garden.
The garden was created by Colonel Clive in the early 1940s for his wife Dorothy who had Parkinson’s Disease and was being advised to walk as much as possible. Originally a sandstone quarry and fields, the 12-acre garden was planted with azaleas, rhododendrons, flower borders and trees but now is being developed to provide year-round interest with a new glasshouse and plans for an Arboretum and improved disabled access. Kathryn showed slides of the garden through the year, with camellias, magnolias, azaleas, rhododendrons, the daffodil walk, laburnum arch, rose border and summer bedding.
The speaker at the next meeting on 20th November will be David Tideswell talking on “Seasonal Garden Birds”. The Christmas Dinner will be held at The Boars Head, Sudbury, on Monday 27th November.

Card Sale

The next card sale will be held at the Village Hall on Saturday morning, 18th November from 10.30 am until 12.00 noon.
Christmas cards, wrapping paper, gift bags, gift tags, bottle bags, advent candles, money notelets and much more all at bargain prices. There will also be a new supply of All Saints Christmas puddings and Gill’s mini Christmas cakes and mince pies.
Entry is free and everyone is very welcome. Do come along and have a free cup of tea or coffee and mince pie and enjoy a chat after you browse.

Tweenies Parent and Toddler Group

The group runs on a Thursday morning in the village hall from 9.30 till 11.30 am. Please continue to support this activity which provides so much fun, play and socialisation for families of the village and surrounding areas.
£1 per child and 50p for the raffle. Contact Teresa on 07739672912