
Response from Kings Bromley Parish Council – HS2 Phase 2a Consultation

Published 26 February 2021

1. Traffic Management
There is continuing concern about increased amounts of traffic using the A513/515 through Kings Bromley village, despite statements from HS2 that neither their, nor their contractors vehicles will use this route. However, during the construction process there is likely to be significant disruption, particularly on the A38, which usually results in the A513/A515 being used as a diversion, even if other routes are sign-posted.
Kings Bromley Parish Council requires involvement in advanced traffic management meetings with HS2, Staffordshire County Council, Lichfield District Council and Highways England to ensure we are aware of proposals and actions to be taken to avoid traffic problems through the village.
2. Crawley Lane/Common Lane
The Parish Council welcomes the commitment made by HS2 that Common Lane will NOT be closed, and that a road will be constructed linking Common Lane to the A515. This will ensure that increased amount of traffic will not have to use Crawley Lane, which would be dangerous particularly for Richard Crosse School which is located near the junction with the A515.
The Parish Council requires a commitment that this promise will be met and that discussions with affected landowners should be concluded as soon as possible.
3. Out-of-hours Working
During preparatory work prior to construction, HS2 have requested that some work be carried out outside those laid down in the Draft Guide for Construction Practice.
The Parish Council insists that it is informed in advance when any out-of-hours working is requested so that representations can be made to the appropriate authority.
4. Water Table Levels and Drainage
Concerns have been raised about drainage and potential flooding of land during and post-construction. These have become of greater concern because of Climate Change and the impact of digging out and restoration of the 4 proposed borrow pits in the Parish.
The Parish Council insists that affected landowners and their representatives are fully involved in any discussion relating to this, that the Environment Agency and other local authorities are included in these discussions, and that the Parish Council is kept up to date on the results of these discussions.
5. New Rail Lines
Since the residents of Kings Bromley are going to be adversely affected by the construction of HS2, but will receive little benefit from HS2, the Parish Council requires that rail services from Lichfield Trent Valley to Euston and the North are at least maintained or improved. This includes the service provided by Avanti West Coast trains as well as the more local services. Also,
consideration should be given to opening the line from Lichfield to Burton upon Trent to passenger traffic, with a new station built to serve the Arboretum at Alrewas. This would give residents better access to Lichfield, Derby, and the North.
Cllr. Charles Cole
For Kings Bromley Parish Council

Universal Credit

Published 22 February 2021

See info off LDC below

Due to the impact of Coronavirus over 5.5 million people are claiming Universal Credit. Many of them are new to claiming Universal Credit having been negatively impacted by Coronavirus.

We’re encouraging Parish Councils to share the following guide on their website and/or social media to help local people navigate claiming Universal Credit.

Here’s the Universal Credit guide

Planning Application at Bromley Hayes Garden Centre

Published 17 February 2021

An application at this address has been lodged with LDC for the ‘change of use of retail garden centre to mixed use of offices, storage and ancillary industrial for the use of the site as office and plant storage headquarters including erection of 540 square meters of additional floor space’.

If residents wish to know more about this application or are concerned then comment can be made directly to LDC through the following link.

The parish council will be making its comment in due course.

Closing date for comments is 8th March

In the search box enter the application number which is 20/01836/COUM

Highway roadside ditches

Published 12 February 2021

The Parish Council would like to thank those involved in clearing out the roadside ditches along Shaw Lane

HS2 in Staffs Update

Published 11 February 2021

Click here

Tetlow King Housing Survey

Published 4 February 2021

Residents will have received a flyer asking them to fill in a housing needs survey. Tetlow King are acting on behalf of Muller Property Group, who recently had a planning application for 57 houses off the Alrewas Road rejected by Lichfield District Council.

This survey is not supported by Kings Bromley Parish Council, which is in the middle of putting together a Neighbourhood Plan and have recently carried out their own survey which showed that 98% of respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed with any large scale development within the village and have specifically asked Tetlow King not to proceed with this survey.

Residents should know that housing needs are assessed by the local District Council responding to directives from central government and taking into account the views of Parish Councils and local residents. The Lichfield District local plan 2018-2040 foresees no large scale development in Kings Bromley.

Kings Bromley Parish Council

HS2 in Staffs – News

Published 2 February 2021

During its passage through the House of Lords, an amendment to the Phase 2a Bill was made requiring a further consultation on a variety of topics including the impact of road traffic as a result of our work, the impact of our work on the natural environment, transport provisions for passengers connecting to Phase 2a, and whether new railway stations, improvements to existing railway stations, and the reopening of associated lines is necessary to support passenger connections to Phase 2a.
Responses to this consultation will help inform Government policy on HS2 Phase 2a and the environment and on future proposals for services on HS2 Phase 2a and the conventional rail (i.e. Network Rail network) and other transport networks.
Given the extensive consultation already undertaken for Phase 2a and consideration of the scheme by both Select Committees in Parliament, the Government does not intend to make substantive changes to the Phase 2a scheme or to its planned construction programme in light of this consultation.
The consultation will close at 11:45pm on Friday, 26 February 2021.

Where to find more information

If you have a question about HS2 or our works, please contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434 or email