Village news from Helen Price – 14th Feb 2019


Village news from Helen Price – 14th Feb 2019

Published 11 February 2019

Kings Bromley Gardening Guild

For the January meeting, Gardening Guild members and guests welcomed Zdenek Valkoun-Walker from the Dorothy Clive Garden who came to talk on the subject ‘Orchids Unravelled’. Zdenek gave a fascinating and comprehensive talk, wanting to dispel the myth that the cultivation of orchids is difficult. He mentioned the great variety of orchids, which make up the biggest plant family and most widespread plant on earth. They are highly evolved, and range from big plants (the size and weight of a mini car!) to tiny (fitting into a thimble), growing in the wild in India, Indonesia and Central and South America in cloud forests. Zdenek gave a lot of really useful information on the orchid’s growing requirements and finished by suggesting some easy orchids to grow.
Our next meeting is on 18th February, when Helen Harrison will be coming to talk on a very topical subject: ‘Snowdrops’.

Dedication Event at Kings Bromley Village Hall

On Saturday 2 March at 2pm, there will be an event in Kings Bromley Village Hall to dedicate a new piece of playground equipment donated by a charity concerned with Motherhood, Loss and the First World War. Everyone is welcome to come along to join in the celebration which will include singing by the Village Harmony Choir, poetry readings, a display about World War One by Kings Bromley Historians and refreshments provided by the WI. Entrance is free.

Coffee morning and Produce Sale, Saturday 16th February

A coffee morning will be held on Saturday 16th February in the Village Hall from 10.30 am until noon to raise Church funds. Entry is 50p which includes a cup of coffee. There will be a raffle, tombola and cake and produce stalls. We would welcome donations for the raffle of good quality items, including bottles of wine etc. and also cakes and produce. Please deliver raffle prizes and produce to Gill and Glen Wright at ‘Chaparral’, Yoxall Road. If possible please bring cakes to the Village Hall on the Saturday morning. The usual delicious Bacon Butties will also be available during the morning!