Village news from Helen Price – 14/12/17


Village news from Helen Price – 14/12/17

Published 11 December 2017

Helen Price
01543 472203

Kings Bromley Gardening Guild

In November a large number of members came to hear David Tideswell talk about “Seasonal Garden Birds”. He gave a very entertaining talk, combining useful information about gardening for and looking after birds with humorous asides. David also proved to be an expert on collective nouns for birds and imitating bird song! The talk, with slides of a great variety of birds in his garden, covered home-made feeders and nest boxes and ideas for plants to grow to attract the birds.

Members enjoyed their Christmas meal at The Boar’s Head in Sudbury towards the end of November.

The first meeting of the New Year will be on Monday 15th January at the Village Hall when Danny Wells will be coming to talk about Joseph Paxton (gardener and engineer, designer of Crystal Palace) – gardeners, historians and anyone else interested in the topic are all welcome to come along.

Kings Bromley WI December Meeting

The wine was flowing and festivities went well for the WI Christmas meeting. The Yoxall Strummers Ukulele folk band came to entertain us with a selection of songs we could all sing along to. They introduce themselves as NOT “Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”; although they did play a few Beatles numbers and some good old Seventies folk tunes too. It was a really jolly meeting with members not only joining in but hand jiving too.

We had the pleasure of presenting Charles Cole, one of our parish councillors, with a cheque for £1000. The ladies have been fundraising towards the renovation of the village hall from previous events and coffee mornings. Charles was very pleased to receive a promotional large cheque too, which can be used to support the ongoing fundraising towards refurbishment costs.

The members did us all proud with a beautiful American supper, with lots of festive cheer, homemade goodies and even more wine. The village hall was in a real festive mood; we are not sure what our guests from other local WIs might have thought but we ended the night with a fake snowball fight – nothing better than ending our meeting on a giggle!

We wish to remind ladies to bring along their subscriptions and deposit of £5 for the post Christmas meal on 8th January at the Royal Oak. Our next meeting is on 4TH January in the village hall where Helen Leve will be our speaker with a presentation on “Living a Low Tox life.” Please could members bring along a small glass jar, as we shall get the opportunity to take away some of the products made during the evening.
The Women’s Institute wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.