Village news from Helen Price – 27/9/18


Village news from Helen Price – 27/9/18

Published 24 September 2018

Kings Bromley Village Hall Diary dates
Whist Drive Tuesday 2 nd October, 1.30 pm
Wednesday Club Wednesday 3 rd , 2.30 pm
WI Meeting Thursday 4 th , 7.30 pm
Harvest Lunch Saturday 6 th , 1.00 pm
Protection of the Village Hall Play Area
A dedication service, attended by Angela Lewis of the Fields in Trust organisation, took place
on Saturday 11 th September at 11.00 am on the Village Hall car park.
Centenary Fields, in partnership with the Royal British Legion, secures recreational spaces
throughout the UK in perpetuity to honour the memory of the millions of people who lost
their lives in World War I. Kings Bromley Parish Council, along with the Lichfield Diocesan
Trust and the National Playing Fields Association, has drawn up a Deed of Dedication to
agree that the playing field behind the Village Hall be secured as such a Centenary Field in
Trust – which can now never be used for any other purposes.
Tuesday Afternoon Whist Drives
For a trial period until Christmas it has been decided to hold these Whist Drives every week
instead of fortnightly. From 2 nd October, the Whist Drive will be held in Kings Bromley
Village Hall. New members are always welcome, just come along on the day.
Time 1.30 pm for a prompt 2.00 pm start. Entrance fee £1.50 includes a cup of tea/coffee
and biscuit at half time.
Kings Bromley Art Group
This new group meets in the Village Hall on alternate Mondays from 1.30 to 3.30 pm. New
members very welcome, advanced or beginners. Bring your own project in any medium to
work on. This is not a taught class but we aim to share ideas and support one another in a
friendly way.
Next meeting 1 st October and fortnightly thereafter. For more information please ring Joy
Hutchings on 01543 472477 or 07840 873339 or just turn up.
Live and Local Theatre, Thursday 11 th October
Live and Local theatre group will perform their latest production ‘Honey” at the Village Hall
at 8.00 pm on Thursday 11 th October. An intimate, thoughtful, atmospheric evocation of
fragile family and community allegiances within a remote Welsh village.
Ticket prices £10, students and over 65 £8, available from Julie Bamber-Cook, 01543 473339