Village Open Gardens


Village Open Gardens

Published 19 July 2019

The Open Gardens held on 15th,16th June was a great success attracting 223 visitors, which, considering the weather, was pretty good.

The event was combined on Saturday with the formal opening of the newly refurbished Village Hall. The packed hall was entertained by the Kings Bromley Village Harmony Choir and refreshments were provided by the W.I. The Gardening Guild treasurer, Lynne O’Dea, dealt with the finances.

Thanks to the owners of the nine gardens which were opened, to Bill Brown who created the fliers, the Ryknild Rabble Morris Dancers who danced at various locations on Saturday and Lichfield Community Jazz Band who performed in the Village Hall on Sunday. The WI, as well as providing refreshments on both days, ‘yarn bombed’ the village and knitted insects and hedgehogs for display around the village.

A total of £2097 was raised which will be equally divided between the All Saints Church Restoration Fund and the Village Hall Committee for the purchase of a new notice board and play equipment.

We already have a number of people who have committed to opening their gardens for the first time next year. If anyone else would like to volunteer please get in touch with Alison Howard.

Allan Howard