Village news from Helen Price – 2/11/17


Village news from Helen Price – 2/11/17

Published 30 October 2017

Helen Price
01543 472203

Whist drive

The whist drive will be held at Kings Bromley Village Hall, on Tuesday 7th November. Anyone is welcome to join us at 1.30 for a 2.00 pm prompt start.

WI Craft afternoon at Royal Oak, Thursday 9th November

The WI craft group meet once a month over coffee and a chat. Please come along and join in, everyone is welcome.

Quiz Night and Grand Draw, Saturday 11th November

Tickets are available for this event on Saturday 11th November at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall, priced £5 each, including light refreshments. Teams strictly limited to a maximum of four players. Anyone willing to donate a prize for the Grand Draw, please ring Gill or Glen Wright on 472622.

Kings Bromley Best Kept Village Award

At a ceremony held by the Jubilee Seat on Friday 20th October, Kings Bromley were presented with the Best Kept Village Trophy for the Lichfield and Cannock District for the sixth year in a row. Parish Council Chairman Allan Howard welcomed villagers, guests and representatives from the Council.

Allan thanked the Councils for their continued support for the Best Kept Village competition in the current climate of cutbacks. John Perry, Chairman of the BKV Working Group, then gave his remarks on behalf of the Group and the judges; once again praise was given for the way the Church and its surrounds were maintained, the quality of the posters produced by the children of the Richard Crosse School which were displayed in the Village Hall and the general state of the public spaces and private house fronts.

Following the ceremony, everyone was welcomed back to the Chairman’s house for refreshments.

Ivy Butcher’s Book Launch, Saturday 14th October

Ivy Butcher, local historian and author, signed copies of her seventh book, On Being A Hundred, at The Royal Oak. The book features highlights of Ivy’s special centenary year with stories and photos throughout and sold very well on the day. A few copies still available on request.

Morrisons store in Lichfield also invited Ivy, one of their regular customers, to cut the ribbon at the opening of their refurbished store last week.