Be Aware – thefts from cars
Published 21 December 2020
Christmas bin collections and recycling reminder
Published 14 December 2020
Households across the district have been sent new 2021 bin calendars, which also include information about Christmas bin collections.
Local households that have their bins emptied on a Friday will have some changes to their waste collections over the festive period.
As set out in the calendars, bins will not be emptied on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day, both of which fall on a Friday.
Local homes that would have been due a blue bin collection on Christmas Day will have them collected on either Wednesday 23 or Thursday 24 December.
Households that would have had their black bins emptied on Christmas Day will have their replacement collections on either Monday 28 or Tuesday 29 December.
All replacement collections for blue and black bins that would have been emptied on New Year’s Day will be on Saturday 2 January.
The garden waste service will be paused from mid-December to the end of January. Residents should check their calendars for their first brown bin collection date in 2021.
Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire Results Summary
Published 11 December 2020
You can download the spreadsheet by going to the Parish Council section of this website under ‘other parish council documents’
Closed footpath
Published 7 December 2020
Closed Footpath
There have been several posts on Mutterings about a closed footpath to the east off the track to Victory Farm.
The Parish Council have been in conversation with the local landowner and Staffordshire Councty Council have also been involved with one of them. It has been made clear that blocking of a public right of way is illegal and the use of barbed wire is ill conceived. The County Council is in discussions with one of the landowners to open up the undergrowth so as to make the walking of the correct path easier. This will then allow users to follow the definitive route and not ‘trespass’ on the other landowners fields.
Members of the public are reminded that they must follow the Country Code by only using definitive routes and to those walking dogs to always clean up after them. Farmers rely upon returns from their land and by walking off the definitive path damage is being done to crops.
The Parish Council will continue to work with Staffordshire County Council who have jurisdiction over footpaths to resolve this issue. We ask villagers for their forbearance in the meantime.
Kings Bromley Christmas Tree
Published 7 December 2020
On Saturday morning the Christmas Tree on the War Memorial was put up.
At 5pm the lights were turned on and the Kings Bromley Harmony Choir sang carols.
An enthusiastic crowd of up to 100 socially distanced people turned up to watch and listen and drink punch and eat mince pies.

Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire
Published 15 November 2020
Just a reminder to return your questionnaire as soon as possible please either directly to the Parish Council chairman (address on the document) or to the box provided at the Co Op.
Sign up for 2021 garden waste collections
Published 11 November 2020
Green-fingered folk across Lichfield District are being reminded that it’s time to re-subscribe to the garden waste service.
Registration is now open for the garden waste service, and Lichfield District Council is urging local residents to sign up again to have their brown bins emptied in 2021.
From grass cuttings and weeds to leaves and dead plants, brown bins are a great way to recycle your garden waste. Composting is also good for the environment and can save time consuming trips to your local household waste recycling centre.
2020’s prices have been held and it will continue to cost £36 per garden waste bin for fortnightly collections next year. This works out at around £1.56 per bin collection. The council makes 23 garden waste collections from the end of January to mid-December.
Councillor Richard Cox, Cabinet Member responsible for Waste, said: “I’d like to thank everyone who signed up to our garden waste service in the last year.
“We’re now reminding all our residents they will need to sign up again if they would like their brown bins emptied in next year. If signing up online, they can also tick a box to receive our brilliant new district e-newsletter, which we’re launching in January.
“Subscribing to the garden waste service costs the same regardless of when you sign up, and your annual subscription will always end in December. This is why it makes sense to register before the first collection, so you can get a full year’s worth of collections.”
Sign up for the 2021 garden waste service at or call the Shared Waste Service on 0345 002 0022.
“We are encouraging anyone who signs up not to cover up their 2020 sticker with their new one, so our crews know to continue to empty your brown bin for the rest of this year,” added Cllr Cox.
Remembrance Sunday
Published 8 November 2020
This was celebrated at the Kings Bromley War Memorial. Wreaths were laid by various village organisation. A short oration was made by Selby Rawlinson and the flag was presented by the British Legion flag bearer. A two minutes silence was held at 11am.
Remembrance Day
Published 4 November 2020
The Parish Council has been notified by the National Association of Local Councils that, although Church Services cannot take place:
‘The government has stated through various communication channels that outdoor Remembrance Sunday services at war memorials and local cenotaphs can still take place, but they should be reduced in size and observe strict social distancing’
Remembrance Sunday is on the 8th.
There is no mention of what can be done on the 11th, so the Parish Council suggests that those who wish to pay their respects and lay wreaths congregate informally in a socially distanced way at the War Memorial at 10.45am on Sunday. The wreaths can be laid and the two minute’s silence observed at 11am.
Phone Box Reglazed
Published 3 November 2020
The telephone box by the war memorial is owned by the Parish Council and contains a book exchange run by the Book Club. Thanks to Kevin Masefield’s company JMI who have replaced the old cloudy and leaking perspex panels with new toughened glass ones. This work was done free of charge, the materials having been bought by the Parish Council.
Covid alert level rises to HIGH in Staffordshire
Published 30 October 2020
Temporary Footpath Closure
Published 29 October 2020
HS2 works sign – Temporary footpath closure on a section of Kings Bromley 0.392
Residents may claim a discount on their energy bills
Published 23 October 2020
Lichfield District Council have announced that they are putting in a scheme to reduce heating bills. Councillor Angela Lax states:
“The council is especially encouraging households with particular health conditions that need extra heat at home, or where fixed low incomes mean affording bills in the colder months can be a real struggle, to apply for their discount”
To see whether you are eligible phone Lichfield District Council’s Warmer Homes, Greener District advice line on 0800 677 1543
Lichfield District Council have announced that they are putting in a scheme to reduce heating bills. Councillor Angela Lax states:
“The council is especially encouraging households with particular health conditions that need extra heat at home, or where fixed low incomes mean affording bills in the colder months can be a real struggle, to apply for their discount”
To see whether you are eligible phone Lichfield District Council’s Warmer Homes, Greener District advice line on 0800 677 1543
Lichfield District Council have announced that they are putting in a scheme to reduce heating bills. Councillor Angela Lax states:
“The council is especially encouraging households with particular health conditions that need extra heat at home, or where fixed low incomes mean affording bills in the colder months can be a real struggle, to apply for their discount”
To see whether you are eligible phone Lichfield District Council’s Warmer Homes, Greener District advice line on 0800 677 1543
A38 Roadworks w/c 26th October
Published 23 October 2020