Village news from Helen Price – 3/5/18


Village news from Helen Price – 3/5/18

Published 30 April 2018

Village Jumble Sale

Thanks to everyone who helped in any way with the Jumble Sale in the Village Hall on 14th April, whether donating items, sorting or helping in the afternoon. Particular thanks go to Peter Gee for organising the event. The excellent sum of £480 was raised for church funds.

Best Kept Village Competition

The Parish Council is entering the village into the Best Kept Village competition again. There will be a general clean up on Sunday 29th April and all volunteers will be welcomed. Please display your BKV flyer in your front window and keep your front garden as neat and litter free as possible. Thank you.

Open Gardens

Kings Bromley Open Gardens will take place on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th June, from 12 noon to 5 pm. So far we have 9 confirmed gardens, including 4 which have never been opened before. The WI will be ‘yarn bombing’ again and providing teas in the Village Hall on the Saturday. There will be ‘fairy finding’ for the kids and there might be some musical entertainment – watch this space.
At a preliminary meeting, it was decided that the profits would again go to the Village Hall Refurbishment fund; so far the Open Gardens has contributed £4000 to this worthy cause.

Kings Bromley Show, Saturday July 28th ‘Celebrating Staffordshire’

We have all the usual fun of the fair with children’s entertainment, a magician, animal shows, trade stalls and craft fair. The competitive marquee provides an ideal opportunity to display your favourite Staffordshire landscape, capture that local beauty spot on camera, show off your family’s special Staffordshire oatcake recipe – the scope is endless! The arena displays include daring cycle and motorbike stunt acts.

There’s plenty of opportunity to get involved in the organisation of the Show and lots of fun to be had in the process. In particular, help is required to run the Young Crafts tent. If you would like to help in any way, please contact Kirsten Harber on 07766 316316. For further details please see our website: