House of Commons Select Committee


House of Commons Select Committee

Published 10 May 2019

For some time, Kings Bromley Parish Council has been pressing to keep Common Lane open during the Construction Phase of HS2. Although HS2 had agreed to provide a link road when construction was completed, their plan was to close Common Lane for up to 5 years whilst construction was under way. Everybody agreed that this would cause massive difficulties, especially since all traffic from surrounding farms and business units would be forced to pass the Richard Crosse Primary School to turn onto the A515 at its junction with Crawley Lane. Staffordshire County Council and Lichfield District Council were all in support of the line the Parish Council was taking.

The House of Commons Select Committee were in no doubt about the strength of feeling on this matter by the number of Petitions they received. Because of this, The Chairman – James Duddridge MP and one of its members made an unannounced visit to the area to review the situation at first hand. The visit confirmed their opinion that there was no way additional traffic should be forced to come past the School to reach the Crawley Lane/A515 junction, especially since it is also adjacent to the Co-op and Royal Oak car park.

At the Select Committee Meeting at the House of Commons held on 29th April, HS2 outlined their new proposal (Option 7) to construct a link road from the proposed new roundabout at the junction of the A513/515 Rugeley Road to the left-hand bend on Crawley Lane as it approaches Common Lane near Thimble Hall.

Although good progress has been made, the plans must be developed further and full agreement must be reached between all affected parties – HS2, Staffordshire County Council, and the affected landowners. The Select Committee were very clear that Option 7 was their preferred way – in fact the only viable way – forward, and that the road should be built before HS2 Construction commences in the area.

The Parish Council welcome the requirement to get all sides to agree since this does appear to be the only option that achieves the objective of keeping Common Lane open.

We will keep you informed of any further developments on this significant issue for all concerned.

Charles Cole