
Village news from Helen Price – 1/2/18

Published 28 January 2018

Helen Price
01543 472203

Bowling Club Whist Drive

Whist drive takes place on Tuesday 6th February in the Village Hall, 1.30 for a prompt start at 2.00 pm. All are welcome

Tweenies Parent and Toddler Group

The group runs on a Thursday morning in the village hall from 9.30 till 11.30 a.m. Please continue to support this activity which provides so much fun, play and socialisation for families of the village and surrounding areas.
£1 per child and 50p for the raffle. Contact Kerry Helliwell on 07875 367379

Coffee Morning

A coffee morning will be held on Saturday 17th February in the Village Hall from 10.30 am until 12.00 noon to raise church funds. There will be a Raffle, Tombola and Cake and Produce stalls. We would welcome donations for the raffle and tombola of good quality items, including bottles of wine etc. and also cakes and produce for that stall.
Please deliver raffle prizes and produce to Gill and Glen Wright at ‘Chaparral’, Yoxall Road. If possible, please bring cakes to the Village Hall on the Saturday morning. Thank you.

Kings Bromley Historians

During the years following the Roman occupation the population consisted of many tribes including Saxons, Angles, Jutes and Frisians. They all spoke with different dialects but eventually the language evolved into what we now call “Old English” which was unintelligible to all.
These early Anglo-Saxon settlements were mostly known by their geographical characteristics which were timeless. The most common place names were taken from the four compass points, e.g. Sutton, Weston, Norton, Easton and their derivatives.
Anthony Poulton-Smith gave us all this fascinating information (and lots more besides) at our January meeting – a very enjoyable evening!
Our next meeting on February 23rd is a talk on the History and Restoration of the Lichfield and Hatherton Canal, starting at 8.00 pm in the Village Hall. All are welcome.

Kings Bromley Historians – News

Published 25 January 2018


New Web Site: The Historians have a new website – or Google it. This will soon have a comprehensive catalogue of everything we have in the archive both digital and physical (documents, photos and maps). We thank Ian Martin for setting up the previous site and maintaining it free of charge for many years. Not many months go by without us getting enquiries from people all over the world who have a family connection with Kings Bromley and seek information.

What’s in Your Loft? We have recently received a set of documents found in a villager’s loft, which is of historical importance. These will now be stored away safely in the Archive in the Village Hall. If anyone has anything that they think may be of interest to the Historians, please get in contact our archivist Lynne O’Dea or go through the website ‘contact us’ page.

Decorating the Lottery Room. You may have noticed that there is a set of new pictures on the wall of the upper room in the Village Hall. These were donated to the Historians, and, with the agreement of the Village Hall Committee, have been securely attached to the wall by Roger & Val Price.

Allan Howard, Leader, Kings Bromley Historians

HS2 Drop-in Surgery

Published 23 January 2018

These will be held locally at Fradley Village Hall on 22nd Feb 5pm to 7pm
Kings Bromley Village Hall on 1st March 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Armitage Village Hall on 29th March from 5pm to 7pm

Village news from Helen Price – 25/1/18

Published 22 January 2018

Kings Bromley
Helen Price
01543 472203
Kings Bromley Historians, Friday 26th January
The first meeting of the year will be at 8.00 pm on Friday 26th in the Village Hall, when Anthony Poulton Smith will talk about the History of Place Names. Visitors are always welcome.
Village Hall Refurbishment Fund
This week the fund was boosted with a generous donation of £10,000 from the Kings Bromley Show Society. Judith Berry, President of the Society, presented the cheque to the PC (Village Hall) Working Group members Mary Gair, Steve Browne, Charles Cole and Jan Higgins at the Parish Council meeting this week. Plans showing the refurbishment proposals were on display and include new male and female toilets, disabled toilet, kitchen and storage facility.
The donation was a welcome addition to the fund that still has some way to go to meet its initial target of £50,000.

Village news from Helen Price – 18/1/18

Published 15 January 2018

Helen Price
01543 472203
Kings Bromley WI January Meeting
The WI has an incredible history of campaigning for some very worthwhile causes especially around the environment. We initiated the Keep Britain Tidy campaign in the 1970’s. Last year members voted for a resolution regarding “plastic soup”, asking the government to spend more time and resource on research into more environmentally friendly alternatives to the plastic microfibres found in our oceans. These microfibres are toxic and mutating marine life.
Our speaker this month was Helen Leve, a local lady who has recently qualified as a nutritional and life style therapist. Helen has a true passion for her profession and not only feels ‘we are what we eat’ but has researched how the chemicals that we use in our homes can have a deadly effect on our health. We haven’t been using chemicals for cleaning our homes for a very long time, really only since World War 2, when it was believed that ALL germs were bad for us and when a great profitable industry was formed. In many cases the chemicals in the products that we buy actually mutate the bacteria making it more dangerous, less effective and in some cases the chemicals are potentially carcinogenic.
Helen gave us some great ideas for alternatives to clean our homes using only natural products like baking soda, lemon juice, olive oil, tea tree oil to name a few. Gradually over time you can switch to the natural products and will find that your home smells fresher and looks brighter, giving us a happier healthy home.
We ended our first meeting of the year with some social time and reminded our ladies that we have a meal at the Royal Oak on 18th January. Our next meeting will be on the 1st February when we shall hear all about Shugborough Hall from Judy Hubble .
Kings Bromley Wednesday Club.
Our first meeting of the New Year was a “Pot Luck” Afternoon Tea and Quiz. After welcoming everyone our new Chair, Lin, commented on the success of our Christmas lunch held on December 13th at the Royal Oak. Forty-four members attended and feedback had been very positive. (The Bailey’s Crème Brulee is to be highly recommended!) Our thanks to Gillian and the team for all their hard work.
The “Pot Luck” tea and quiz then got underway – the latter certainly providing food for thought! Three teams of eight competed against each other answering questions as diverse as naming the longest river in Africa; identifying the city of “dreaming spires” and naming the metal which is liquid at room temperature. Congratulations to the winning team who answered every question correctly and our thanks to Pauline for, once again, organizing the quiz.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 7th February at 2.30pm in the Village Hall when there will be a talk entitled “Goose Grease and Brown Paper!” New members always welcome.
Bowling Club Whist Drive
The whist drive will take place on Tuesday 23rd January at the Village Hall, 1.30 for a prompt 2.00 pm start. Please feel free to join us.

Parish Precept 2018/19

Published 13 January 2018

From what has been in the press lately parishioners will know that local services are coming under even more financial pressure. Grants from central Government to the first and second tier local councils are being cut or halted completely. The County Council is struggling to meets its obligations in the care sector and this means even less funding for services such as highways. The District Council is also under similar pressures and have from this year stopped paying grants to Parishes.
Many of the services that were provided by these top tier authorities are now being ‘offered’ to Parish Council’s, for example highway grass cutting or footpath maintenance.
In order for the parish to meet these additional challenges and to make up for last year’s underclaim, your parish Councillors, at a recent parish meeting, made a decision to increase the parish precept element of the council tax by 25% on a Band D property. This in effect means that anyone who’s property is classed as Band D will pay an additional £5.72 in 2018/19. Higher banded properties will pay more.
This bid will, if approved by the District Council, generate a parish precept of £15,663.
If any residents wish to know how their parish precept is spent then the information can be found on this web site under Parish Council – Transparency or contact Ian Colclough the Parish Clerk.
Allan Howard – Parish Council Chairman.

Speeding traffic

Published 13 January 2018

The Parish Council is constantly pressing Staffordshire County Council over traffic issues as they affect the parish and in particular Kings Bromley centre. Speeding traffic is one of the major concerns and the council is looking at options to reduce speeds in a cost effective manner. (See minutes of recent parish council meetings to see all the options being pursued). Some residents will recall that an initiative know as ‘Speed Watch’ was used sometime ago. This was dependent upon local volunteers using speed guns issued by the Safer Roads Partnership in conjunction with Staffordshire Police. The parish council is now keen to re start this programme and is looking for volunteers to come forward. It is usual to have a pool of around 7/8 people that can give up their time at varies times during the week. Full training in the use of the equipment will be given. Motorists who are recorded as breaking the speed limits will have their number plates noted and this data is passed to the police for processing with serious offenders receiving warnings. It may be worth noting that records across the country indicate that in a high percentage of cases those found to be speeding reside in the local area.
If you are interested in joining this initiative please contact the clerk in the first instance.

Grant received

Published 12 January 2018

County Councillor Martyn Tittley shown beside the recently produced plan of the proposed internal layout of the village hall lobby, kitchen and toilets.
Cllr. Tittley kindly donated £1,200 towards the cost of preparing and checking of the drawings.

To date over £17,000 has already been pledged to the refurbishment fund.
More pictures of donors will follow shortly.
If you wish to get involved in the first instance please contact the Parish Clerk.

Cllr. Tittley

Village news from Helen Price – 11/1/18

Published 8 January 2018

Kings Bromley

Helen Price
01543 472203

Happy New Year to all residents of Kings Bromley and surrounding villages!

Bowls Club Whist Drives

Commence in the New Year on Tuesday 9th January at the Village Hall, 1.30 pm for a prompt start at 2.00 pm. They will continue fortnightly until the Bowls Season commences.

Kings Bromley Gardening Guild

Commences Monday 15th January, 7.45 pm at the Village Hall. Danny Wells will be talking about Joseph Paxton, gardener and engineer plus designer of the Crystal Palace. All are welcome.