Village news from Helen Price – 1/2/18
Published 28 January 2018
Helen Price
01543 472203
Bowling Club Whist Drive
Whist drive takes place on Tuesday 6th February in the Village Hall, 1.30 for a prompt start at 2.00 pm. All are welcome
Tweenies Parent and Toddler Group
The group runs on a Thursday morning in the village hall from 9.30 till 11.30 a.m. Please continue to support this activity which provides so much fun, play and socialisation for families of the village and surrounding areas.
£1 per child and 50p for the raffle. Contact Kerry Helliwell on 07875 367379
Coffee Morning
A coffee morning will be held on Saturday 17th February in the Village Hall from 10.30 am until 12.00 noon to raise church funds. There will be a Raffle, Tombola and Cake and Produce stalls. We would welcome donations for the raffle and tombola of good quality items, including bottles of wine etc. and also cakes and produce for that stall.
Please deliver raffle prizes and produce to Gill and Glen Wright at ‘Chaparral’, Yoxall Road. If possible, please bring cakes to the Village Hall on the Saturday morning. Thank you.
Kings Bromley Historians
During the years following the Roman occupation the population consisted of many tribes including Saxons, Angles, Jutes and Frisians. They all spoke with different dialects but eventually the language evolved into what we now call “Old English” which was unintelligible to all.
These early Anglo-Saxon settlements were mostly known by their geographical characteristics which were timeless. The most common place names were taken from the four compass points, e.g. Sutton, Weston, Norton, Easton and their derivatives.
Anthony Poulton-Smith gave us all this fascinating information (and lots more besides) at our January meeting – a very enjoyable evening!
Our next meeting on February 23rd is a talk on the History and Restoration of the Lichfield and Hatherton Canal, starting at 8.00 pm in the Village Hall. All are welcome.