Centenary of Village Hall


Centenary of Village Hall

Published 4 March 2015

Centenary of Village Hall - 1 Centenary of Village Hall - 2 On October 15th, 1914, the Hall, then known as the Dean Lane Institute, was formally dedicated by the Bishop of Lichfield and opened by the Bishop of Rochester.

Tea and cakes were provided by the Village Hall Committee, while the Snooker Club and Historians provided displays on the one hundred year history of the club and the Hall.

It was through the efforts of the then vicar, the Rev. Chilwell, that the Institute was created so it was thought that a framed photograph of him should be on permanent display in the Hall. This was unveiled by Sue Hannam, chair of the Village Hall Committee after which Allan Howard, leader of the Historians, explained why this recognition of The Rev.Chilwell was appropriate at this time.