
Village news from Helen Price – 1/3/18

Published 26 February 2018

Card sale, Saturday 10th March

The card sale on Saturday 10th March in the Village Hall from 10.30 am until 12 noon will be raising funds for the church. The usual cards will be on sale plus Easter cards, wrapping paper, notelets, serviettes, gift bags and much more. All excellent quality at bargain prices!

Come along and have a chat over a free cup of coffee or tea and biscuits – everyone is welcome.

Mothering Sunday Service

A family service will be held at 10.45 am on Sunday 11th March at All Saints Church, Kings Bromley.

Bowling Club Whist Drive

Whist drive takes place on Tuesday 6th March in the Village Hall, 1.30 for a prompt start at 2.00 pm. All are very welcome.

Kings Bromley Show, Saturday July 28, 2018

Celebrating Staffordshire is this year’s theme and plans are well underway to organise one of the best shows ever. There’ll be all the usual attractions in the form of a funfair, children’s entertainment, animals, trade stalls and craft fair. The competitive marquee provides an ideal opportunity to display your favourite Staffordshire landscape, capture that special beauty spot on camera, show off your family’s special Staffordshire oatcake recipe – the scope is endless!

There’s plenty of opportunity to get involved in the organization of the Show and lots of fun to be had in the process. If you would like to help in any way, please contact Kirsten Harber on 07766 316316. For further details see our website:

Recent criminal activity around the parish

Published 22 February 2018

Many will be aware of the recent break-ins at the local Co Op, public house and village hall. The parish council is concerned and will be discussing options at its next full parish council meeting on 14th March. We hope to have a member of the local policing team present.

HS2 Phase 2 Petition

Published 19 February 2018

Click here Petition P2 (51.3 Kb)

Village news from Helen Price – 22/2/18

Published 19 February 2018

Kings Bromley Parish Council – HS2 Phase 1 and 2 Meeting

On Thursday 1st March between 4.30 and 6.30 pm the HS2 Team will be at the Village Hall to provide residents with an update of any developments affecting Kings Bromley.

Wednesday Club

The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming two new members to the club and outlining the programme for the year.

The Treasurer then proposed, on behalf of the committee, that the Wednesday Club, as regular users of the village hall, make a donation towards the refurbishment fund. This was unanimously agreed. Members were informed of an event being held on March 24th from 10am – 1pm when plans for the refurbishment will be on display in the village hall. Tea and cakes will be available and the Village Harmony Choir will be performing. Members were also informed of a planned visit to the Garrick Theatre on May 9th to see “Avenue Q.”

Lin then welcomed our guest speaker, Kath Reynolds, who gave an amusing talk entitled “Goose Grease and Brown Paper” in which she described the many old-fashioned remedies used to cure all manner of ills in the days before the NHS. The talk was illustrated with a display of weird and wonderful lotions, potions and pills. Some of the more unusual remedies included placing onion in the ear to cure earache; soaking the feet in a chamber pot to ease chilblains; tying a sweaty sock around the neck to soothe a sore throat; swallowing an onion and brown sugar linctus for a chesty cough; rubbing pipe tobacco on to an aching tooth and treating boils with carbolic soap and sugar!

Of the late 19thC, early 20thC manufactured remedies one in particular stood out – Dr William’s Pink Pills for Pale People. A product so versatile it was able to ease a range of maladies from a fear of going out to chronic headaches – from pale and sallow complexions to St Vitus Dance – from palpitations to rheumatism! In fact, “all forms of weakness in male and female.”

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday March 7th at 2.30pm in the Village Hall when Colin Bagshaw will be talking about the Alaskan Goldrush.

Kings Bromley WI

The ladies of the WI celebrated with a post Christmas meal at the Royal Oak and enjoyed a lovely three course meal with good company. We had a fantastic time and would like to thank the Oak’s staff for making it an enjoyable evening .

Our February meeting was held in the Village Hall; we had a lovely talk on Shugborough Hall from our speaker Judy Hubble. Judy worked at Shugborough Hall for over 7 years until she was made redundant and then volunteered at the museum. She would give talks about the Hall’s history and the life and times of Lord Lichfield plus talks about the lives of the servants called ” A Servant’s Lot”.

We learnt all about the Hall from medieval times, with the building of the Essex bridge and how the Hall wasn’t originally on its present site but probably where the Chinese house is today. .Judy was able to give us a tour of the estate using slides , and her talk ended with the 2nd Earl of Lichfield, Thomas George Anson and his 13 children. He was left with debts of over £600,000 by his father and was determined to pay back all the money, which he was able to achieve before his death.

We closed our meeting with the traditional social time, however we didn’t find our raffle winner!

We have booked to see the musical “The Girls ” by Gary Barlow in Stoke on Trent on 15th November and will be taking a coach. Could members please give your names if interested ASAP. We also have a trip planned in the summer to either Liverpool, David Austin roses or Powis Castle, so lots to look forward to.

Our next meeting will be our AGM together with Cheese and Wine on 1st March.

Phone Box

Published 19 February 2018

The Parish Council have purchased the phone box opposite the War Memorial and it is the intention to convert it into a small village library run by the Royal Oak Book Club. The box has been steam cleaned and all the ivy cleared from it. The next step is to seal the window units and villager Kevin Masefield of JMI Windows has kindly offered to do this for us. Following this the box will need to be sanded down and repainted and fitted with appropriate shelving and a small notice board. Again a local carpenter has offered to do the work for free and floor tiles have been also offered. Any offers of help with the sanding and painting will be appreciated: please contact Nigel Lee on 01543 472935

Open Gardens 2018

Published 13 February 2018

This year we are having Open Gardens on Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th June. If you would like to open your garden this year please get in touch with Allan & Alison Howard on 472720. There will be a meeting of all openers at 36 Alrewas Road on Tuesday 13th March at 8pm. The Open Gardens is an opportunity to meet other villagers, to showcase the village and to make a bit of money for a good cause. The event has so far raised £4000 for the Village Hall Renovation Fund.

Allan Howard

Village news from Helen Price – 8/2/18

Published 5 February 2018

Helen Price
01543 472203

Coffee morning, Saturday 17th February

A coffee morning will be held at the Village Hall from 10.30 am until 12 noon to raise Church funds.

There will be raffle, tombola, cake and produce stalls. We would welcome donations for the raffle and tombola of good quality items, including bottles of wine etc. and also cakes and produce for that stall. Please deliver raffle prizes and produce to Gill and Glen Wright at ‘Chaparral’, Yoxall Road. If possible please bring cakes to the Village Hall on the Saturday morning. Thank you.

Kings Bromley Gardening Guild

Gardening Guild members and guests enjoyed a fascinating talk by Danny Wells on ‘Joseph Paxton’ at the January meeting. It covered both gardening and historical aspects of the work of Paxton, called the “Busiest man in England” by Charles Dickens – and he certainly lived up to this title. Aged 23 years old in 1826, Paxton came to work as a gardener for the sixth Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth. He built an enormous Palm House which was much admired by Queen Victorian and the Duke of Wellington when they visited Chatsworth in 1843. In 1844, the world’s highest fountain, the Emperor’s Fountain, was built for the visit of the Emperor of Russia. Paxton became involved in house-building, public parks, railways and a national newspaper, but he is probably best known for building “The Crystal Palace” for the Great Exhibition in Hyde Park. He received a Knighthood and later became a Liberal MP for Coventry. The “man of genius” died in 1865 and was buried near the Duke of Devonshire. This was an excellent talk, full of interesting information on a very busy man!

Our next meeting is on 19th February, when there will be a change in the programme and Allan Howard will be talking on “Serendipity in the Garden”.

Community Speed Watch

Published 1 February 2018

Click here for newsletter CSW news – Feb18 (546.8 Kb)