Village news from Helen Price – 28/6/18


Village news from Helen Price – 28/6/18

Published 25 June 2018

Kings Bromley Open Gardens

Open Gardens last weekend was a fantastic success drawing in hundreds of visitors plus many excited children who came to spot the fairies scattered throughout the gardens. Eleven gardens were open to the public, the Ryknild Rabble Morris Dancers added spectacle throughout, plus the Lichfield Community Jazz Band played in one of the gardens on Sunday afternoon. The WI decorated the village with Yarn bombing and fairies, together with providing refreshments.

A grand total of over £2,600 was raised from entrance tickets, plant sales and refreshments and this makes a very welcome contribution to our Village Hall Refurbishment fund. Many thanks and congratulations go to all who put so much time and effort into making this such a successful event.

Kings Bromley Show, Saturday 28th July

We are now looking forward to ‘Celebrating Staffordshire’ at the village show on Saturday 28th July. Enjoy a great day out for all the family including funfair, craft fair with demonstrations, food fair, trade and non-commercial stands. The programme starts with an equestrian show at 9.30 a.m. From noon, there will be children’s races, companion dog show, a Magic Show, the Eureka Jazz Band and a parade of treasured vehicles. Displays of art, crafts, cookery, floral art, flowers, fruit and veg, photography, vegetables, woodworking and young crafts can all be view in the Horticultural marquee. A variety of refreshments will be available all day, including the Shardlow Real Ale bar bus plus G&T bar.

Main arena displays include the Toy Soldier Marching Band followed by Dangerous Steve and Pedal Power vs. Parkour which are our big acts for the afternoon, providing knockabout comedy, sensational blindfold motorcycle stunts, chainsaw juggling, trial riding and athletic stunts.

For further details of the Show, please see our website: