Village news from Helen Price – 19th Sept 2019 – part 2


Village news from Helen Price – 19th Sept 2019 – part 2

Published 15 September 2019

Kings Bromley WI September meeting

Well, what an amazing evening. Our guest speaker was WPC Kim Coates, of Staffordshire Police Service. Kim transferred from normal police duties to be a dog handler some five years ago. As Kim was on duty, we switched the order for the evening just in case she was called, to give her the opportunity to explain her responsibilities in some detail and to demonstrate just how clever her canine charges are: they did not disappoint.

Kim had driven an hour to be with us, along with Finn, her ‘crocker’ spaniel and her very handsome German shepherd. Kim began by explaining the sort of work a dog handler within the Staffordshire police gets involved in, day and night. She and her dogs are involved in seeking out drugs of various kinds in all sorts of circumstances as well as giving chase to criminals. Kim’s input was fascinating and members were keen to ask all sorts of questions associated with her work which she answered with the benefit of her experience and with good humour.

It wasn’t just theory though: Kim had some cotton wool type material in a small container, which carried the smell of drugs that had been impounded at some point. She did warn members that Finn, her young crocker, was enthusiastic and a bundle of energy. It was not an understatement. Kim brought him into the hall and from the word go Finn never stood still once. Finn obviously loves his work and very quickly found the container that Kim had hidden. His joy was boundless as he was rewarded with his favourite ball. His second opportunity was equally successful. What a dog! All the time he was in the hall, he was running here there and everywhere, just in case there was anything else hidden. Kim’s commands though quickly brought him to her side. Later Finn was returned to the police car and Kim’s German shepherd was brought into the hall. A very different type of dog, and one that Kim kept on the leash for obvious reasons. Although only young he is intelligent and capable, supporting Kim in her non-drug related duties, such as giving chase to criminals on the run in Staffordshire.

So all in all, a fascinating insight into what Kim’s working life involves and how dog handlers support other areas within the police service. We were all truly impressed by the work the dogs undertake, their behaviour and Kim’s dedication to the job she does. It was an excellent hour or so, which we all enjoyed.

There followed the usual formal business for the evening, which concluded with refreshments and the raffle.

Our speaker next month, 3rd October, will be Ian Rogerson. Ian’s talk is entitled ‘Smile Please and Say Cheese’, and will include cheese sampling.