Village news from Helen Price – 14th Nov 2019
Published 11 November 2019
Kings Bromley Gardening Guild
Jeff Bates was the speaker in October and his topic was ‘The Garden in Winter’.
Jeff gave a very interactive talk, involving questions and answers from the Members and identifying of plants shown in the many beautiful photos. Winter gardening is affected by temperature, shorter days with less intensity of light and the lower angle of the sun. His presentation showed many excellent winter gardens to visit, such as the Cambridge Botanical Garden, Dorothy Clive Garden, Wisley, Anglesey Abbey and Dunham Massey. Winter plants included trees such as liquidamber and maples; shrubs such as viburnum bodnantense, daphne, sarcococca and callicarpa; many plants e.g. aconite, pulmonaria, hellebore, bergenia, ivy and heather; bulbs such as scilla, narcissus and snowdrops. It was a very informative and entertaining talk.
Allan Howard will give the talk on 18th November on ‘The Garden of George Manners’.
Quiz Night and Grand Draw
A very entertaining evening was had by all the participating teams on Saturday night at Kings Bromley Village Hall. The quiz was expertly organised and run, as always, by Gill and Glen Wright.
The final total from the Quiz and Grand Draw was £2216, all proceeds going to All Saints Church. Thank you to everyone who donated prizes and bought tickets to produce this excellent result.
Kings Bromley Bowls Club Whist Drive
Weekly whist drives take place each Tuesday at the Village Hall, starting promptly at 2.00 pm. All are very welcome, £2 includes light refreshments.
Teresa Woodward 01543 473058
Kings Bromley WI
Kings Bromley WI celebrated their 90th birthday with a hilarious guest speaker Pat Hall on 7th November. Pat gave a very amusing talk called ‘Life Can Be Funny’, telling comedy stories from the past and present. The room was filled with laughter and good cheer. A beautiful birthday cake was made by Kate Nicholas and we enjoyed celebratory wine and champagne in a birthday toast. There were lots of great raffle prizes to be won and it was a splendid evening with good company.
The ladies also had great news to celebrate as the Craft and Social group have been selected as the Co-op’s local community cause for this coming year. The 1% from members’ contributions will help run a monthly social group every third Thursday of the month in the village hall. The next meeting will be on 5th December in the village hall where Kate Reynolds will be talking about “It’s the Season to be Jolly”. We will have an American supper when everyone can bring a dish of their choice to share.
The ladies of the WI wish you all a Merry Christmas and good wishes for the New Year.