Village news from Helen Price – 15/3/18


Village news from Helen Price – 15/3/18

Published 12 March 2018

Bowling Club Whist Drive

Whist drive takes place on Tuesday 20th March in the Village Hall, 1.30 for a prompt start at 2.00 pm. All are very welcome.

Kings Bromley Gardening Guild

Our speaker for February unfortunately had to cancel, so Allan Howard stepped into the breach to give his talk planned for the August meeting on ‘Serendipity in the Garden’. Serendipity was voted the nation’s favourite word and could be defined as ‘Happy accidents’; in the garden, Allan defined it as plants which appear without being specifically planted by the gardener.

Allan showed pictures of many examples of flowers which can appear in the garden, such as different varieties of poppy, honesty, foxgloves, aquilegia, teasel, cornflower and of course the well-named forget-me-nots. He wanted to encourage gardeners to be more tolerant of serendipitous plants, as they are often very good for wildlife. There was discussion at the end of the talk on the problems of plants which become too widespread, such as Japanese knotweed, Himalayan balsam, buddleia and Rosebay Willow herb.

The next meeting of the Gardening Guild to be held on 19th March will be the AGM, with wine and cheese, followed by tips for preparing the lawn in spring and a light-hearted gardening quiz.