
Request from The Historians

Published 23 July 2020

Kings Bromley Historians would like to record the village’s experience of the coronovirus pandemic and lockdown as it is one of the most significant periods that most of us have lived through.
If you would like to write a description of how it affected you, or if you have any documents/photos that you would like to share please send them to Allan Howard, leader of the Historians on or post material to 36, Alrewas Road. Please let us know if you would like the material to be confidential. We will collate all the material and put it in the archive.
We know that it is by no means over yet, but memories do fade fast, so the quicker we start this process the better.

Play Area now open again

Published 14 July 2020

The play area is open again but subject to set rules of use which are on display at the entrances. Please adhere to these. Hand sanitisers have been placed at both entrances for your convenience. The equipment itself has been sanitised and will be once per week.

Wildlife Working Group

Published 13 July 2020

The Parish Council has set up a Working Group to consider how wildlife could be encouraged within the Parish. This group will produce proposals which the Parish Council will consider for implementation and inclusion in the Neighborhood Plan which it is preparing. If you would like to be on this group, or if you would like to make suggestions on the subject please let Allan Howard know through the Parish Council website or ring 472720.

Charitable Donations

Published 9 July 2020

Some people have asked if they could show their gratitude to the Parish Council for running the Volunteers Scheme during lockdown.
The Parish Council have decided that the appropriate charity for any donations would be  ‘Kings Bromley United Charity’ which is overseen by the Parish Council.
The treasurer is Trish Rothery, Guide Post Cottage, 1 Alrewas Road.
KIngs Bromley United Charity maintains the Almshouses and gives bibles to the school-leavers each year.
Allan Howard – Parish Council Chairman.

Staffs County Council launch Health App Finder

Published 9 July 2020

Launch of a new easy-to-use ‘Community Health and Wellbeing App Finder’

During the current ongoing coronavirus outbreak, we are all adapting to new ways of delivering health and wellbeing guidance and care support to our at-risk residents in our communities.  Health apps is one way to help older residents or those with long-term conditions to manage their health at home, but there are literally thousands to choose from and not all apps can be trusted to offer up to date advice.  

So how can our residents know which ones are good and trustworthy, or can safely be recommended to their family or loved ones?

To help our most vulnerable manage their health with the most trusted health related apps that meet specific needs, Staffordshire County Council is now offering free access to a super easy-to-use Health and Wellbeing App Finder service.

The new online health app finder offers an invaluable free resource for parish councils, volunteers, local organisations, community leaders, and carers, as well as the general public to access an easy-to-use library of fully reviewed and handpicked health apps.

The library is safe and secure to use and features hundreds of apps all independently reviewed and rated, and proven to deliver results and help manage specific conditions and more general health and wellbeing, including:

  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Diabetes
  • Weight loss & fitness
  • Dementia
  • Mental Wellbeing
  • Cancer
  • Muscular and Arthritic conditions
  • Stopping Smoking
  • Pregnancy
  • And hundreds more

You can access and browse the Staffordshire Health App Finder library now at

Virtual Open Gardens

Published 2 July 2020

The ‘Virtual Open Gardens’ attracted 21 entries, all of high quality.
Thank you to all involved.
The winners, who will receive £10 garden tokens from the Gardening Guild were:
Best Garden – Gillian & Roger Pitchford
Best Plant – Val & Roger Price
Best Feature – Josephine Mainwaring & Steve Wilson
Best Miniature Garden – Reggie Pitchford
Let us hope that next year we can return to real Open Gardens.
When we return to normality the Gardening Guild will have a meeting displaying all of the entries. All will be welcome.

Restoration of Milestones

Published 1 July 2020

Kevin Price has completed the repainting of the milestones in the Parish.
The Parish Council has taken on responsibility for the 6 milestones on the A515 & A513 from Staffordshire County Council Highways Dept.
Advice was taken from the ‘Milestones Society’ on the correct treatment and paints to be used.
The undergrowth around the ancient stone turnpike milestone in Manor Park has been cleared by Kings Bromley Historians.
Information on the milestones can be found on the Historians’ website:
I think we can all agree that Kev has done a great job, even with a splint on his hand.
Attached is a ‘before and ‘after’ picture of one of the milestones.

Brian Lomas’s Bench

Published 1 July 2020

As a tribute to Brian Lomas a bench has been positioned in the churchyard. This has been paid for by public subscription.
Brian ran the Churchyard Gang for years and was a Church Warden, a Trustee of Richard Crosse School and one time President of the Horticultural Society. He was heavily involved in all aspects of village life.
Thanks to Carl Easter whose firm installed the base and to Roger Price for attaching the bench.
Michael Lomas has generously agreed that excess funds from the subscription should be passed on to the All Saints Church Restoration fund. Any further contributions should be given to Glen Wright.
The plaque records one of Brian’s favourite expressions when looking over the churchyard “Where else would you want to be but here”
The attached photo shows Michael and Pat on the new bench.