Village news from Helen Price – 10/6/17


Village news from Helen Price – 10/6/17

Published 10 June 2017

Gardening Guild

Members enjoyed an evening visit to Mr and Mrs Dunning’s garden in May. Although it was a rather wet evening, members had a lovely time walking round the beautiful garden, followed by refreshments (indoors!).

The next meeting of the Gardening Guild will be on 19th June when Byron Lewis will be talking about ‘Patio and Basket Plants’, bringing along many examples to buy. Kings Bromley is looking forwards to the Open Gardens weekend on 10th and 11th June when 7 gardens will be open from midday to 5pm. Entry will be £5 per adult, free for children who will be able to look for fairies in the gardens. Refreshments and plant sales will be available. All profits will go towards the Village Hall renovation fund. There will also be a history display in the church.

Kings Bromley Historians

Southwell in Nottinghamshire has a varied and fascinating history as revealed by Dr Chris King from Nottinghamshire University who talked at our May meeting about the Landscape History Research project he oversees in that area. Test pits were dug in 200 gardens scattered about the town to give an overall picture of the early settlement. Some pits revealed objects that would have been contained within the manure and
rubbish compost spread on the fields. Taking core samples from the soil and geophysics revealed organic matter and hidden structures. The findings, together with the geography of the village built along the River Greet, all help to form its past history. Southwell Minster was built in the late 950s on a site given to the Archbishop of York by King Eadwig. Excavations around Southwell Minster revealed 200 Saxon burials believed to be Christian, along with some Roman mosaics. Also on site are the remains of the Bishops Palace where Cardinal Wolsey stayed en route to his execution. Amongst the interesting findings was pottery from several ages, including ‘grass’ pottery (the clay contained grass which burnt away when fired, leaving small holes). A 13th century ‘versica’ seal was also found, indicating the spread of literacy and a Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee brick unearthed in 2012, the year of our Queen’s Jubilee. Dr King then turned his talk to timber-framed buildings, with slides of scorch marks, witch marks and carpenters marks and their meaning. The oldest timber-framed building in Southwell is the Saracens Head built around 1332-40, where Charles I fled after his defeat at Oxford and subsequent surrender to the Scottish Army. In an upstairs bedroom there is a medieval wall painting which retains amazing colour detail even now.

It was a fascinating and memorable evening; a real treat! Our next meeting will be on 23rd September, a trip to Kirby Muxloe Castle.