Roadside Drainage


Roadside Drainage

Published 20 October 2020

A number of residents have expressed concern about the large puddles that accumulate alongside the roads when it rains hard caused by blocked drains or drainage kerbs.

Several have been drenched by passing traffic.

Our Parish Council clerk has written to County Highways and Lichfield Highway Office asking for the drains/kerbs to be cleared and has received the following reply:

Good afternoon Ian,

I have been asked by Tim Heminsley to respond to your e-mail regarding the ongoing issues with the drainage kerbs in Kings Bromley.

We have recently compiled a spreadsheet for drainage issues, as we believe we will be given additional funds for problem areas. I have ensured that the drainage kerbs in the village are on the list. I have given the road a high priority, but at this time I am not in a position to say one hundred percent that the cleansing will be undertaken imminently.

I am aware that there has been no maintenance to the drainage kerbs for a number of years and there is a need for the full length of the drainage kerbing to be cleansed.

I do not have a date/time scale, but when I am in the position to provide any further information I will contact you with an update.