Council urges residents to be responsible with their waste


Council urges residents to be responsible with their waste

Published 17 April 2020

With household recycling centres temporarily closed, Lichfield District Council is warning its residents not to put contaminated waste in their blue bins, overload their black bins, fly-tip, or be tempted to burn waste.
Through its shared waste service with Tamworth Borough Council, Lichfield District Council is once again calling on its residents to follow its guidelines for what can and cannot go in bins.
In the last week, six loads of recycling have been rejected from the recycling plant due to contaminated waste being put in blue bins.
From used tissues and food waste, to clothes and electrical items, lots of waste that cannot be recycled is ending up in blue bins.
The council is also reminding its residents not to overload the service by putting extra side waste out with their black bins. Only waste in black bins, with the lids closed that are not overloaded, can be emptied.
However, as has always been the case, extra blue bin waste, such as cardboard or extra recycling that is in clear, tied bags can be placed next to blue bins when they are due to be collected.