
New dog waste bin

Published 22 August 2018

As part of our continuing efforts to eliminate dog fouling from the streets of Kings Bromley, the Parish Council has installed another dog bin. The new bin is situated in Manor Road opposite the Bowls Club (see photo). It is already being used.

May we ask dog walkers to continue to always pick up their dog’s waste and put in the bins provided or take it home. Thank you.
dog bin image

Village news from Helen Price – 23/8/18

Published 20 August 2018

Bowling Club Coffee Morning

Kings Bromley Bowling Club extends a very warm welcome to all on Saturday 1st September between 10.00 am and 12 noon. Admission £1 includes coffee and light refreshments. There will be a raffle, cake stall and other side stalls.
For those who may be interested in joining the Bowling Club there will be an opportunity to try it out. We look forward to seeing you at Manor Park, next to the Nursing Home (postcode DE13 7JA), on 1st September.

Kings Bromley WI

The WI do not hold a members meeting during August; however that’s not say we haven’t been busy. The Village Show did not have the best of summer weather and we sadly lost our pretty pink gazebo in the high wind, yet we still made a grand sum of just over £440. This will fund our outings and events throughout next year. The stall had a variety of cakes, jams and splendid raffle prizes and the stall itself looked spectacular in the traditional bright pink and mauve. The prizes and baked cakes were all donated by WI members and gratefully received. All the raffle prizes have now been collected.

The now traditional cream tea at the Royal Oak was splendid and 15 ladies enjoyed the afternoon with a lovely array of cakes, scones and sandwiches. This year we themed the event in recognition of the suffragettes and celebrated 100 years since women received the vote. Many ladies wore sashes and rosettes in honour of the suffragettes.

The ladies continue to run a craft and social group at the Royal Oak on the 3rd Thursday of the month from approximately 2pm and this is open to all who might like to join in. There is no fee but please bring your own projects and money for refreshments. The next members’ meeting will be at the village hall on 6th September from 7.30pm and if ladies haven’t already paid for the “The Girls ” in November, £20 for the ticket and coach is now due.

A Happy Summer holidays from all the WI.

Kings Bromley Tuesday Afternoon Whist Drives

For a trial period until Christmas it has been decided to hold these Whist Drives every week instead of fortnightly. From 2nd October, the Whist Drive will be held in Kings Bromley Village Hall. New members are always welcome, just come along on the day.
Time 1.30 pm for a prompt 2.00 pm start. Entrance fee £1.50 includes a cup of tea/coffee and biscuit at half time.

Village news from Helen Price – 16/8/18

Published 13 August 2018

Kings Bromley Wednesday Club

On August 1st 34 members of the Wednesday Club enjoyed Cream Tea at Mabel’s. The arrival of scones, cream and jam sparked the inevitable debate over what goes first the cream or the jam?! Cream first or jam first – everyone appeared to enjoy their tea – and the chocolate coated strawberries were lovely. Our thanks to the staff at Mabel’s for a very enjoyable afternoon.

At the end of the afternoon the Chair thanked all those who had helped with the Wednesday Club stall at the Kings Bromley Show and reported that the gazebo had, against all the odds, withstood the strong gusts of wind blowing across the show ground!

Members were reminded that our next meeting on September 5th will be a trip to Shrewsbury and that the coach will depart from The Grange at 9.30am. There will be stop for coffee at Dobbies Garden Centre, Gailey. The coach will leave Shrewsbury at 4.30pm.

Protect your possessions

Published 9 August 2018

Residents will be aware that the Parish Council is behind an initiative to combat crime throughout the parish. One such idea is SmartWater. Leaflets have been distributed. You are urged to complete these as soon as possible and return to Cllr. Pritchard by 11th September please. If you wish to be involved and take up the offer, you can contact Ian on 01543 472732 or 07831 384334 or by email at

A38 roadworks delayed

Published 3 August 2018

I just wanted to make you all aware that we have had to defer the upcoming work on the A38 signs. Our previous start date of Monday, 6 August has now moved. We’re currently looking at starting this work Monday, 20 August 2018.
Start of works: Monday, 20 August 2018*
End of works: Friday, 22 September 2018*
Hours of work: 9pm to 6am Monday to Friday
*Please note that all our planned roadworks are subject to change due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances.
Detail of works
We’ll be replacing signs that have reached the end of their serviceable life. The new signs will comply with current standards and will improve visibility of the signs, especially at night and in poor weather conditions. Those sign that require illumination will also have new LED lighting units installed, which use less electricity. Replacing the signs will improve this section of the A38 with clearer signing, which will be easier to read.
Traffic restrictions
Work will be done in 3 phases. We’ll be working mainly using lane closures. However road closures will be required on either the northbound or southbound carriageway. The map below shows the 3 diversions that will be in place, as agreed with Staffordshire County Council.
Phase 1
A38 northbound and southbound from Swinfen roundabout to Wood End Lane. This will require 1 northbound road closure and 2 southbound road closures as well as lane closures.
Phase 2
A38 northbound and southbound between Wood End Lane and Alrewas junction. This will require 2 northbound road closures and 1 southbound road closure as well as lane closures.
Phase 3
A38 northbound and southbound between Alrewas junction and Toyota Island. This will require 2 northbound road closures and 2 southbound road closures as well as lane closures.

Village news from Helen Price – 9/8/18

Published 3 August 2018

Kings Bromley Show

The annual village show on Saturday 28th July was a huge success attracting visitors from all over the county and beyond. Despite some challenging weather conditions later in the day, everyone had a fabulous day. Funds raised will go to support various village organisations.

Many thanks go to all who helped at the Show, or during the week setting up and clearing up afterwards. Particular thanks go to Kirsten Harber who co-ordinated the whole team throughout the year. And thanks to all who came along to support us!

Reverend Ty Leyland Retirement

Reverend Ty Leyland retires as Rector of Kings Bromley and the Ridwares and on Saturday 23rd June a party was given in the Village Hall for Ty and his wife Viv. They were collected from the Rectory by Roger Price in a vintage open-top Morris car and driven in style to the village hall. They were greeted by about 150 villagers who shared afternoon tea with them.

The church choir sang a humorous song about the couple, written especially for the occasion and then Glen Wright, Churchwarden, gave a short tribute thanking Ty for his 19 year’s ministry in the parish. Viv was given a basket of flowers and the couple were presented with a very generous cheque from the parishioners in recognition of his service. Rev Ty then gave a speech of thanks.

Bowling Club Coffee Morning

Kings Bromley Bowling Club extends a very warm welcome to all on Saturday 1st September between 10.00 am and 12 noon. Admission £1 to include coffee and light refreshments. There will be a raffle, cake stall and other side stalls.
For those who may be interested in joining the Bowling Club there will be an opportunity to try it out. We look forward to seeing you at Manor Park, next to the Nursing Home (postcode DE13 7JA) on 1st September.

Postmistress Retires

On Friday 28th June, Annabel Watkins opened the ‘broom cupboard’ in the Village Hall for the last time as Postmistress. She has been running this village service since August 2004 and formerly ran the Post Office in the Alrewas Road shop.

As a mark of appreciation the Parish Council presented her with a bouquet of flowers. We have yet to hear from the Post Office when, or whether, a replacement will be found.