Village news from Helen Price – 13th Feb 2020
Published 10 February 2020
Australian Fire Relief Fundraiser, Saturday 15th February
We will be raising money for Australian Fire Relief in Kings Bromley Village Hall on Saturday 15th February between 2.00 and 4.00 pm.
Kings Bromley Harmony Choir will open the event at 2.00. The event includes a Tombola with amazing raffle prizes, Children’s colouring-in competition, Nearly new clothes, Bric-a-brac and Craft Sale. Tea, coffee and cakes provided by the WI.
If anyone wants to help or donate items, please get in touch with Tracy Allanson-Smith (0771 5678905). Every penny will be donated to https/ to help animals, fauna and fire rescue volunteers in Australia.
Kings Bromley Gardening Guild
The Chairman, Allan Howard, welcomed everyone to the meeting on 20th January and gave the talk on ‘Kings Bromley in the Best Kept Village Competition’. He showed slides of the village’s history in the competition, starting from its inauguration in 1956 to the present day. Allan went on to look at the judges’ comments for 2019 which showed how important community participation is in the outcome. Organisations and businesses, individual adults and their houses and children all play a part.
The audience made comments and gave suggestions, including the need for more volunteers to help with the churchyard team who meet every Wednesday morning around 10-11.30am, to mow the grass and tidy up. Duke of Edinburgh volunteers were also invited to help with the churchyard or tidying up the village and every household was encouraged to put up a Best Kept Village notice in their window. Volunteers were also asked to monitor and ‘look after’ a particular road or area in the village, particularly with regards to litter. It was agreed that people could do more to stop grass verges and hedges growing over the pavements and to take down signs which are for out-of-date events.
In conclusion, all those who do so much to keep the village beautiful and tidy were thanked.
A suggestion was made to co-ordinate the Best Kept Village, Open Gardens (13-14 June) and the Ironman event (7 June this year), with decorated old push-bikes around the village. The WI will be yarn bombing the village and putting up knitted wreaths.
The next meeting is on 17th February when Byron Lewis from Lichfield Garden Centre will talk about ‘Early Spring Showcase’, bringing along a range of plants.
Kings Bromley WI
The ladies of the Women’s Institute celebrated a late Christmas meal at the Royal Oak on 6th February. We are very grateful to our village pub for hosting this for us. We have grown in members over the year and forty ladies enjoyed a good meal, and a merry time was had by all. We enjoyed fun and laughter with the waiting staff who worked so hard and kept us all amused. The evening ended with a splendid raffle.
The next meeting on 5th March will be our AGM and will start at 7.30pm at the village hall. This will be an opportunity for our members to hear the reports from last year’s activities and also to vote on the committee for the following year.