Village news from Helen Price – 17th Oct 2019


Village news from Helen Price – 17th Oct 2019

Published 14 October 2019

Tickets are now available for this event on Saturday, 9th November at 7.00p.m. in the Village Hall, priced at £5.00 each including light refreshments.
Several tables have already been booked and numbers are limited so, if you wish to take part, contact Gill or Glen on 01543 472622 to reserve your place.

The meeting opened with Jerusalem, but on this occasion no longer were we singing acapella, instead we were accompanied on piano by member Margaret Williams, who was enthusiastically applauded for her support.

Following our usual business, our speaker for the evening Ian Rogerson and his helper stood behind tables laden with a wonderful variety of cheeses – cheese being the topic for his presentation. Ian first gave us a resumé of his background as a butcher, and how his career change came about. From a base of very little knowledge of cheese, he set out to learn how the different types were made, by research and by reading various books on the subject. Eventually he began to give talks on the topic. Over time cheese became a passion as he explored what was available and how and where various cheeses were manufactured. Now for Ian no day would be complete without cheese featuring in it somewhere.

Ian gave us a potted history of the relatively small range of cheeses that he grew up with to the enormous variety we now have to choose from, including artisan cheeses produced by dairy farmers across the UK and also those imported from abroad. There was a very good selection for members to try with fruit as an accompaniment, which Ian advocates is essential when eating cheese. We sampled various cheddars, Stilton, a Bowland which contained apples, raisins and cinnamon. Another cheese contained mango and ginger; there was even one with charcoal which proved very tasty. There were others from Italy, France and Spain to try and buy if members so wished.

Ian’s presentation was delivered with humour and was a very enjoyable and instructive hour or so.

Our next meeting will be on 7th November. It will be a special occasion as we shall be celebrating our 90th birthday with a party. Our speaker will be Pat Hall and her topic for the evening will be “Life can be Funny”.

Kings Bromley Bowls Club Whist Drive

Weekly whist drives take place each Tuesday at the Village Hall with a prompt start at 2.00 pm. All are very welcome, £2 includes light refreshments. Teresa Woodward 01543 473058