Village news from Helen Price – 23rd May 2019


Village news from Helen Price – 23rd May 2019

Published 20 May 2019


Well what a difference, we were at the Cricket Club for our May meeting, as our dear village hall is undergoing a long awaited radical change. We are hoping it will be finished for the Open Gardens in June.

Our anthem, Jerusalem, was sung as normal, with the young men playing cricket outside wondering what was going on!! It was a ’Resolutions’ evening. WI members vote on the two shortlisted resolutions for this year – ‘Don’t fear the smear’ and ‘A call against the decline in local bus services’. The WI nationwide will back the one that achieves the most votes. The WI has over 210,000 members so we definitely make a difference when lobbying government, councils and industry to behave more responsibly. As individuals we can all make a difference whether aiming to save water, stopping the use of plastic bottles and recycling everything we possibly can.

Our speaker was Cat Stuart, who gave us a ‘Move it or lose it’ talk followed by 30 minutes or so of practical exercises. It was good fun as well as useful and all thirty one members present enjoyed themselves. We are really pleased that we now have 51 members, which is great news. There is always a warm welcome for any lady who enjoys a night out, socialising with tea, coffee and biscuits enjoying varied speakers – we are a very friendly bunch and we don’t bite!

For June we will be celebrating our WI’s 90th birthday at Mabel’s, Curborough, but back in the village hall for our 4th July meeting. This will be a ‘Swishing’ evening. Each person attending should bring 3 items of clothing, clean and tidy of course as it is not a jumble sale. Items will be sold for £2 each. It should be great fun.

Join us, you will be very welcome.