News from your Parish Council chairman


News from your Parish Council chairman

Published 14 April 2017

Best Kept Village: All houses in the village will now have received a flyer advertising the BKV competition. Please display this in a prominent place which can be viewed from the road. Judging takes place in May, June and July. If we maintain our front gardens and public spaces and keep the roads litter and dog fouling free then maybe we can win the competition for a record sixth year in a row.
Annual Open Meeting – Village Hall Mon May 8th 8.00 pm: All parishioners are invited to this meeting where the Parish Council, and all Village Organisations, give a review of what they have done during the year and residents have the chance to listen and speak. The Parish Council is encouraging residents to become positively involved in the local community and local issues: this is an ideal opportunity to do just that.
A38 Road Closures: Following a meeting with Parish Councillors, Highways England have written to us with their proposals on how to mitigate the problems caused by diversions through Kings Bromley – see their letter on the website. In future the dates and times of closures will be sent in advance to the Parish Council and will be put on the website.
A515 Weight Limit Campaign. The indications are that the letter writing campaign is having an effect on convincing the County Council on the weight of opinion on this issue. Please keep writing to Mark Deaville (for contact details see website) to demand action.
Lichfield Mercury Village News: Parishioners will have noticed that the free Friday edition of The Mercury is not being distributed. Helen Price, who is in charge of the Village News section has agreed to send this now to the Parish Council website so that we do not lose this valuable source of information.
Defibrillator: As many of you will have seen, the defibrillator has been installed on the side wall of the Village Hall and is now fully operational. It has been registered with the Ambulance Service. Residents are reminded that if anybody has a critical medical condition, they should in the first instance dial 999. If it is thought the use of the defibrillator would be of assistance until the ambulance arrived, they will be given the code to access the equipment. The defibrillator is set up to guide the user how to use it in easy steps. Training sessions are being arranged in the village to familiarise residents with the equipment. Details will be announced shortly.