
Co-op present cheque for Village Hall refurbishment

Published 22 December 2019

On 23rd Nov. the Co-op presented a cheque for £1833.24 to the Parish Council’s Village Hall refurbishment fund, which had been chosen as one of their local charities for last year.Co Op cheque presentation

The Kings Bromley Harmony Choir sang carols to mark the event. They also sang at the turning on of the Christmas Tree lights on Nov. 30th – thanks to all those who donated for the new lights in the collection box in the pub and who helped put up the tree and lights.Choir at the Co Op

Village news from Helen Price – 19th Dec 2019

Published 16 December 2019

Kings Bromley WI

The Women’s Institute continued their year of celebration for their 90th birthday with a splendid Christmas party on 5th December. The evening started with a seasonal talk and slide show from Kate Reynolds on ‘Tis the season to be jolly ‘, a look back in time at Christmas. Kate helped the ladies recall their childhood with Christmas memories, using props and photos, funny stories and memorabilia from decades past. We looked at Christmas cards and decorations to festive traditions and special toys. The ladies joined in with a few Christmas carols too. Merriment continued with a buffet provided by the members.

The newly formed Drop In Café at the Village Hall was very successful in November and will continue on 19th December and the third Thursday of each month from 1pm, for everyone in the village to enjoy.

The ladies have a post Christmas meal on 6th February at the Royal Oak and the meetings start in our 91st year on January 9th, a week later than usual when members are reminded to bring their subscriptions.

A Happy New year to all from the WI.

Kings Bromley Village Harmony Choir

The choir will be singing for the residents at Kings Bromley Care Home on Saturday 21st December. This will be followed by another seasonal performance at the Royal Oak at approximately 3.30/4.00 pm. All are welcome.

Kings Bromley Bowls Club Whist Drive

The last whist drive of the year will take place in the Village Hall on Tuesday 17th December and re-starts 7th January – 24th March 2020. All are very welcome, £2 includes light refreshments.
Teresa Woodward 01543 473058

Kings Bromley Gardening Guild

Allan Howard gave the talk at the November meeting on ‘Tudor Cottage and George Manners’. George used to live in Tudor Cottage in Alrewas Road, but moved to Yoxall around 15 years ago. Allan started with some of the early history of the house, which used to belong to the church and could have been used as a parsonage at one time. As George was a prolific winner of trophies at the Show, Allan explained the different cups which George had won over the years, including the trophy George himself donated: the Triple Bean Shield for runner, French and broad beans. Then a number of photos of the front and back gardens were shown, which highlighted George’s expertise at growing flowers in a cottage garden style and a range of vegetables and fruit.

The annual Christmas lunch at the Boar’s Head at Sudbury was enjoyed by everyone who attended on 2nd December. The first meeting of the New Year will be on Monday 20th January at the Village Hall when Allan Howard will talk about ‘Kings Bromley in the Best Kept Village Competition’.

Village news from Helen Price – 12th Dec 2019

Published 10 December 2019

Kings Bromley Historians

Kath Reynolds brought back some happy memories at our last meeting with a talk and slides about sweets, many from our childhood. As some of us are of a ‘certain age’, we could remember rationing and, more importantly, when sweets became ‘off ration’ in 1953. The ration was 12 oz. sweets per month; other than that it was a carrot impaled on a stick and a lot of imagination.

Bertie Bassett was a trader in sweets in 1899, which he sold in various varieties. When he dropped his tray of samples the sweets became mixed and resulted in his Liquorice Allsorts. We could all remember smoking sweet cigarettes and liquorice pipes and feeling very grown up and sophisticated! It was surprising how many sweets were produced in the 19th century such as Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles 1881 and Gums 1893, still familiar to us today.

Kath was an entertaining speaker and made it a very enjoyable evening. A week later we enjoyed Christmas lunch at the Royal Oak, which was a very convivial occasion. We will be enjoying our usual post-Christmas walk on 30th December, and the first meeting of the New Year brings us Richard Stone’s ‘Painting with Light’, a talk on stained glass, at the Village Hall on Friday 31st January at 8.00 p.m. All are very welcome.

Kings Bromley Harmony Choir

The choir performed their third annual Christmas concert to a full church on Saturday, providing a lovely start to the festive season. The programme was interspersed with solos on the flute, piano, clarinet and saxophone.

Thanks were given to Gill and Glen Wright for arranging the event and supplying refreshments, to Kathryn Pretty-Hopson for her leadership of the choir and Linda Rich for the piano accompaniment. Cash donations were divided equally between the All Saints church and Birmingham’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital Renal Unit.

Branston Golf Club and Lichfield Morrisons store completed a trio of fund-raising performances by the Kings Bromley Harmony choir this weekend.

LDC info – keeping your home warm in winter

Published 10 December 2019

Cosy homes (60.7 Kb)

A38 southbound works extension

Published 7 December 2019

A38 works timetable A38 / HS2 works (505.8 Kb)

Village news from Helen Price – 5th Dec 2019

Published 2 December 2019

Harmony Choir Concert in Church

It is two years since the village choir gave their first public performance in church and we are delighted that they will be back to give another concert in All Saints Church on Saturday, 7th December at 4.00 pm. It will consist of carols and a variety of songs both Christmas and non-seasonal. There will be an interval halfway through and cups of tea and mince pies will be served. There will not be an entry charge but there will be a retiring collection.
Everyone is very welcome to come along and support the choir.

Kings Bromley Care Home Christmas Fete

There will be a Christmas Fete at Kings Bromley Care Home, Manor Park from 3.00 – 5.00 pm on Saturday 7th December. We have Craft stalls, Tombola, Raffle, tea, cakes and hot food plus Entertainment.
Everyone is welcome – please come and support your local care home.

Kings Bromley Bowls Club Whist Drive

Join our Whist Drive which takes place each Tuesday at the Village Hall, starting promptly at 2.00 pm. All are very welcome, £2 admission includes light refreshments.
For further details please ring Teresa Woodward on 01543 473058.