Village news from Helen Price – 19/10/17


Village news from Helen Price – 19/10/17

Published 20 October 2017

Helen Price
Kings Bromley
01543 472203
Kings Bromley WI
This month’s meeting saw the ladies of the WI learn all about the art of silversmithing and the different stages of making jewellery. Gaynor Woodward isn’t a professional but has a true passion for the craft, learning the art from attending adult education classes at Lichfield and Stafford colleges. Gaynor spoke about the history of jewellery from painting bodies, to tattoos and piercing. Gaynor’s jewellery is made from silver.
We were shown all the different tools used and how each process can take many hours to produce the finished article. Gaynor brought along different samples of each stage and had an array of beautiful hand-crafted unique jewellery for us to look at and purchase.
At the end of September the ladies met up with other local institutions at Hill Ridware village hall for a group meeting. We had the pleasure of being entertained by Judith Hibbert who is an actress and after dinner speaker, and the mother to Eleanor Tomlinson of Poldark fame. Judith has worked in TV, theatre and cabaret. Judith performed “Around the Wireless” with her portrayal and tribute to Julie Andrews, Joyce Grenfell, Gracie Fields and more. The hall was lit up with laughter as Judith is an extremely funny and talented lady. The ladies of the Ridware WI provided us with a beautiful buffet and refreshments.
We are supporting the Pop Up for Poppies campaign and hoping to produce knitted poppies to be displayed throughout 2018 commemorating the centenary of the end of WW1. We meet up for a knit and natter craft group on a monthly basis in the Royal Oak on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 2.30pm , if you would like to join us for a cup of tea and a chance to take part in making some poppies please feel free to join us , it’s open to all.
Our next meeting on 2nd November will be all about Relaxation and Meditation with Bernadette Woodward plus we shall be holding a Bring and Buy Sale on that evening too.
Whist Drive, Tuesday 24th October
The whist drive takes place fortnightly at the Village Hall, 1.30 for a prompt start at 2.00 pm.