Kings Bromley Parish Council

About the Parish Council

The parish council has seven members and is a non-political organisation. The council is re-elected every four years, the last election being in May 2023.

The council has one committee – a planning advisory committee which deals solely with planning applications.

Each year a sum of money – the precept – is collected by Lichfield District Council from the council tax, which is the money the parish council has to spend to provide/improve services for local people. Additional funding can also be obtained through grants and donations.

The minutes of meetings once approved, and the agenda for the next meeting once it has been issued, are included on this website.

If you would like the parish council to look at any particular issues relating to Kings Bromley. Please contact the clerk.

Clerk to the Parish Council

Parish Councillors

District Councillors

County Councillor

Parish Council meetings

The parish council meets in the Village Hall, Alrewas Road on the second Thursday each month. The meeting normally commences at 7.45 pm with a quarter of an hour of time for public participation to allow residents to raise issues and ask questions. You will find dates for forthcoming meetings in the diary section of these pages and the agenda is posted on village noticeboards (and below) three days before the meeting.

Document folders

Under here are a number of “folders” containing Parish Council documents. Click on a folder title to see the list of documents that it contains. With very few exceptions, these documents are all made available in Adobe Acrobat format.

Agenda for next Parish Council meeting

The next full council meeting will be on

Thursday 10th October 2024 – this is a General Meeting commencing after the Planning Meeting at 7.45pm at the earliest.

The Planning Advisory Committee meeting will commence at 7.30pm

Agenda will appear here at least 3 days before the meeting.

Agenda 10th October





Planning Committee minutes

Minutes of Planning Advisory Committee meetings from January 2017 to date:

For archived minutes please contact the Parish Clerk

Transparency requirements – documents

These documents are provided to comply with “The Smaller Authorities (Transparency) Requirements Regulations 2015”

    • Councillor Register of Member Interest forms – contact Lichfield District Council for details
    • Audited Accounts 2021/22. All the documents associated with the 2021/22 audited accounts are below Please note that the pdf documents do not comply with the Accessibility Regulations 2018 but these documents will be provided in an alternative format or alternative media on request to the Clerk.
    • General transparency information is here

Transparency Document 2024 – 25

2023/24 Audit return

The below document is a scan of the audit return and as such are not signed with a physical ‘wet link’ signature and therefore do not fully comply with the accessibility regulations.

Kings Bromley PC – Audit return – 2023 – 4


Older Parish Council Minutes

These minutes from less recent Parish Council meetings are retained on the web pages so that you can – if needed – search them to find when topics have previously been discussed. Use the search box at the top of the page to search all the contents of the web pages including the PC minutes.

2006 Parish Council minutes

Page contents

Planning applications

Information is available from the Lichfield District Council planning system about applications presently out for consultation in our area. Search and view application details.

Local Neighbourhood Plan

Our unverified Community Development Plan
To see the plan click this link


A few printed copies are available to read in the Village Hall. We have not printed one for each household as we do not have the money to do so. That money only becomes available once the plan has been verified. The plan has been ready for many months but there have been delays in higher authorities. The Chairman of the Parish Council explains this in the letter in the document.
It would help us if you could email us to say whether you either support the plan or not.

Also, below are the three main documents compiled by the Parish Council to date. These are draft documents approved by the Parish Council but still subject to further inspection by higher authorities.

The entire parish will have its final say in the form of a referendum when the document, in its final state, is agreed by all authorities.

If you have questions, in the first instance, please contact the Parish Clerk.

Village Pages

Home page Village news Village diary

Best Kept Village Trophy

Best Kept Village trophy in 2016