Application for 57 houses off Alrewas Road – latest
Published 29 September 2020
Kings Bromley Parish Council has for months been pushing Lichfield District Council to make a decision on the proposed development of 57 houses off the Alrewas Road. On 13th September a letter was sent by our Parish Clerk to the Chief Planning Officer, with a copy to Doug Pullen, leader of Lichfield District Council:
“Re Planning Application Ref 19/00191/OUTM
At our parish council meeting on 9th September my Councillors expressed great concern, frustration and disappointment that to date no decision has been reached on the above planning application.
Two of our three District Councillors were present at the meeting and I think it is fair to say that they too were very frustrated at the lack of information coming from your officers. They and my councillors are totally dissatisfied with this delay.
It is my councillors understanding that this application should go to a full council meeting for consideration.
The parish council was notified of this application around February 2019, over 19 months ago and are amazed that no decision has yet been made.”
No reply has yet been forthcoming. LDC councillor Richard Cox, who has been actively pressing on this issue on our behalf has informed us that the case officer has recently left, which may partly explain the delay.