Village news from Helen Price – 22/3/18


Village news from Helen Price – 22/3/18

Published 19 March 2018

Kings Bromley Village Hall Refurbishment Project

A campaign has commenced to raise funds for a major refurbishment of the lobby, toilets and kitchen areas in the village hall. Donations have already been received from a number of local organisations, for which we are very grateful. However, a substantial amount of money is still required before we can commence work. A small team comprising members of the Parish Council, assisted by the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee, will be exploring funding opportunities and any funding ideas will be welcome. Alternatively, if anyone has skills they feel they may be able to offer to the project, we would be pleased to hear from you. One idea already proposed is the sale of a limited number of bricks inscribed with the names of individuals and organisations who are willing to offer a donation. All funds raised will be lodged in a separate account to be used solely for the refurbishment project.

Plans and representational images have been drawn up to show the improvements we wish to make and these plans will be on display in the Lobby of the Village Hall on Saturday 24th March, when they will be “launched” between 10.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. Everyone will be welcome and refreshments will be provided. In the meantime, if anyone would like to discuss the project with us, please contact one of the members of the team:-
Mary Gair 473544, Charles Cole 472423, Julie Bamber 473339, Steve Browne 472931, Jan Higgins 07912 855626 or Nigel Lee at
Refreshments will be provided by Kings Bromley WI with entertainment by Kings Bromley choir.

Wednesday Club

This month’s speaker, Colin Bagshaw, a geologist and lecturer, took us back in time to 1896 and the beginning of one of the greatest gold rushes in history.

The Alaska Gold Rush began on August 16th 1896 when an American prospector George Carmack, his brother-in-law Skookum Jim and his nephew Dawson Charlie struck gold in Rabbit Creek, a tributary of the Klondike. News of the find spread quickly to other mining camps in the Yukon Valley and very soon the whole of Rabbit Creek, renamed Bonanza Creek, was staked out with claims. Richer sources of gold were then found in Eldorado Creek and claims quickly registered there too. The outside world, however, remained largely unaware of the news and it wasn’t until Spring 1897 when the “Portland”, docked in Seattle laden with gold that what became known as “the stampede” began. It is estimated that between 1896 and 1899 100,000 prospectors began making their way to the Klondike of whom 30,000 arrived.

Many of these prospectors travelled via Skagway where they were required to buy one year’s worth of equipment and supplies which then had to be transported over mountains to the lakes and from there down the Yukon River to the gold fields. Queues formed to join the mountain trails each man trudging hundreds of miles back and forth moving their gear from cache to cache. Once at the lakes they built boats to float their equipment down river to Dawson City and the Klondike. Sadly, after all their efforts to reach the Klondike, many thousands started for home within months – penniless. Although mining continued in the Klondike the “stampede” was over almost as quickly as it had begun and while some became wealthy the majority journeyed in vain.

Next Meeting: April 4th at 2.30pm in the Village Hall when we will be “Tracing Paper Skeletons” with Marion Armstrong.
NB. May 2nd. Outing to Matlock Bath. £12.00 per person.