
Open Gardens, Fairies & Pirates, Yarn Bombing

Published 21 March 2016

Kings Bromley will be holding its annual Open Gardens on June 11th and June 12th from 12pm to 5pm. This year it will be combined with a ‘Fairies and Pirates’ and ‘Yarn Bombing’ event run by the Pre-School and WI (details from Teresa da Costa and WI). Proceeds from the Open Gardens will go towards the fund for renovating the Village Hall, held by the Gardening Guild. We could do with some more gardens, if you are prepared to help in any way please contact Allan Howard on 01543 472720.

On the Sunday why not combine cheering on the Iron Men competitors in the morning with garden visiting in the afternoon – or combine taking your children or grandchildren to the Fairies and Pirates and Saturday afternoon with some garden visits – they will need to search for hidden fairies.

Allan Howard

HM Queen 90th Birthday

Published 16 March 2016

.. it is Her Majesty’s 90th birthday soon. The parish council understands that no specific plans have been made to commemorate this in the parish. However should individuals or groups wish to make their own arrangements then they are obviously free to do so.

Mobile Library Service

Published 15 March 2016

Staffordshire County Council announce changes to the mobile library service.
From 1st April 2016 the mobile library will be at Kings Bromley every three weeks on a Wednesday, from 2.15pm to 4.15pm at Richard Crosse School.

Annual Open Parish Meeting

Published 10 March 2016

This years Annual Open Parish Meeting will be held at the village hall on Wednesday 20th April at 8pm. All are welcome to attend.
This is your chance to come along and hear what has been going on in the village and parish. Many local organisations will be present along with Councillors. Many initiatives are affecting the village at present from HS2 to quarrying so come along and express your concerns.