Latest letter to SCC regarding A515 traffic issues
Published 24 February 2017
Dear Mr. Deaville,
Re: A515 No Longer Fit for Purpose.
SCC letter re A515 (64.4 Kb)
Home » Archives for February 2017
Published 24 February 2017
Dear Mr. Deaville,
Re: A515 No Longer Fit for Purpose.
SCC letter re A515 (64.4 Kb)
Published 9 February 2017
The Kings Bromley Co Op is now open. The manager Christine Steward is keen to get the shop involved in the local community and has already committed to providing fruit to the Parent and Toddler Group which meets on a Thursday morning in the Village Hall. The Coop will have 16 staff, most of whom are Kings Bromley residents. If you would like to contact Christine her email address is ‘
Published 9 February 2017
“It’s ironic that as the tax burden reaches levels not seen for thirty years, we are now facing the prospect of a scheme which will drain the public purse in a way rarely seen, in modern times at least.
Taxpayers are about to be funding a project which only a minority want, to which only a smaller minority will have proper access and even fewer will be able to afford.
HS2, the first phase is simply waiting for the starting pistol to be fired, and once it commences it will bleed the public for decades to come. It has been lambasted by all sorts of well-informed, august committees and institutions, not to mention thousands of very concerned members of the public. Still, in the face of all this resistance it goes ahead. If the economy is currently so badly compromised that essential services are facing severe cuts whilst simultaneously our taxes are set to rise to an extreme, it can only be common sense to suggest that this project must not be allowed to squander money which we do not have.”
Cllr Tom Marshall
Ward Member: Armitage with Handsacre.
Lichfield District Council
Planning Committee: Vice chairman”
Published 3 February 2017
You can report highway defects directly to Staffordshire Highways through this link or ring them on 0300 111 8000
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