Highways England update


Highways England update

Published 3 July 2017


I am pleased to be able to provide Highways England’s monthly update for July 2017.

Planned works
There have been no changes to the dates provided in last month’s update.

I am now able to provide more detailed information regarding the diversion routes and community impacts for the A38 Swinfen roundabout scheme, which is currently planned to begin on 5th September 2017. This information is set out in the appendix to this letter, below.

Due to the recent hot weather, the grass adjacent to the A38 has grown more quickly than had been expected. As a result, the grass is now obscuring visibility at some of the A38 entry and exit slip roads, posing a safety risk to motorists. We will need to close the slip roads for a few nights this week to cut the grass back. Where possible, the diverted traffic will be sent along the A38 to the next junction, then back along the opposite carriageway.

The proposed closures are as follows:

Barton southbound entry slip road
Closed overnight between 9am and 6am from 3rd July to 7th July.

Catholme southbound entry and exit slip roads
Closed overnight between 8pm and 6am from 3rd July to 4th July.

Alrewas southbound entry and exit slip roads
Closed overnight between 10pm and 6am from 4th July to 6th July.

Please note: all dates may be subject to change, for example if the road condition deteriorates more quickly than expected or as a result of bad weather. Where possible, changes to dates will be included in future monthly updated. This list does not include emergency or unplanned closures.

As always, should residents wish to raise any queries or make suggestions regarding the contents of these updates, we ask that they refer these to us through the parish councils. This will enable us to work more closely with the councils and take a co-ordinated approach.