
Village news from Helen Price – 27th June 2019

Published 24 June 2019

Kings Bromley Open Gardens

The re-opening of the newly decorated Village Hall was celebrated with a stirring performance by the Kings Bromley Harmony choir and later there was also a Jazz Band performance. 9 gardens, including a new one at the Royal Oak, welcomed 223 visitors despite inclement weather.
An amazing total of £2100 was raised and will be split between the church restoration fund and the Village Hall restoration.

Kings Bromley WI

This year marks the 90th anniversary of the Women’s Institute in Kings Bromley. The ladies enjoyed a celebration in the conservatory at Curborough with a lovely meal and welcome bubbles to enjoy. The room was beautifully decorated in our traditional pink and mauve and looked splendid.
The committee made some prettily decorated baskets with raffle prizes of champagne and chocolates and a lot of other goodies to be won. There was an opportunity to win the table floral decorations.
The ladies and guests from other local WIs enjoyed fabulous entertainment from Kate’s Party. This duo of Larry and singer Kate, sang some old favourites from Doris Day and the Everly Brothers. Larry played the guitar and did a few Shadows numbers. They entertained us with a quiz on television theme tunes and Kate told some very funny jokes and humorous stories.
The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on 4th July when we will be holding a Swishing Evening, with a clothes exchange and this is open to all ladies in the village. Please bring 2 or 3 items of new, or good as new, clothing, bags, scarves, shoes and jewellery on hangers and you can exchange these for something else. If you see more than you bring than you can purchase these for a £2 donation.
We shall be collecting donations for the Village show raffle hampers, please bring these along to the meeting too.

Wednesday Club.

The Chair welcomed everyone and thanked Gillian for once again allowing us to hold our meeting at the Royal Oak. She then introduced our speaker Jonathan Nason. A keen photographer from the age of 11, Jonathan was to take us on “A French Mystery Tour” as seen through the eye of the camera.
The tour began on the Normandy/Brittany ferry from Portsmouth. Appropriately, on the eve of the 75th anniversary of D Day, one of the first photographs was of the beach at Arromanches-les-Bains (Gold Beach) and the remains of the Mulberry Harbour there. Jonathan’s tour then took us on to Le Mans and the Le Mans Classic a biennial vintage sports car event. We then followed part of the Lawrence of Arabia cycle route. As a student T.E. Lawrence had spent the summer touring France by bicycle pursuing his interest in Medieval history. One of the places visited by T. E. Lawrence and the next stop on our mystery tour

Suspicious activity and drug use in the village

Published 16 June 2019

At the last parish council meeting PSCO Tracy Horton reported that there have been instances of youths gathering at some locations and possible taking drugs. Resident are asked to report any suspicious activity directly to the police by calling 101.

Village news from Helen Price – 13th June 2019

Published 10 June 2019

Kings Bromley Open Gardens and Opening of Renovated Village Hall

The Open Gardens and re-opening of the Village Hall will now be a combined event. The Gardens will be open from 12 am to 5 pm Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June. The re-opening of the Village Hall will start with the Kings Bromley Harmony Choir performing at 11 am on the Saturday.

We now have nine gardens. Proceeds from the event will be split between the Church Restoration Fund and the Village Hall. Watch out for the WI yarn bombing, the Ryknild Rabble Morris dancers and the jazz band in Jonathan Nason’s garden. The church will be open for a more calm experience, decorated with flowers to celebrate the weekend.

Gardening Guild

For the May meeting, Gardening Guild members and friends enjoyed the evening in the garden of two of the members, Janet Stubbings and Paul Woolley. There was a lot to see in the garden, with a large greenhouse, vegetable garden and flower borders; everyone had a good time chatting together over glasses of wine, cheese and biscuits.
The next meeting will be on Monday 17 June, when Kevin Reynolds will come to talk on “One for Sorrow, One for Joy – Folklore of Gardens”.