Village news from Helen Price – 7th Feb 2019


Village news from Helen Price – 7th Feb 2019

Published 4 February 2019

Kings Bromley Whist Drives

Tuesday afternoon whist drives in the Village Hall begin at 1.30 for a prompt 2.00 pm start. They continue weekly due to popular demand. If you have not been before how about giving it a try, we play friendly whist with a break for tea and coffee. Entrance £1.50 to cover the cost of hiring the Village Hall.

Coffee morning and Produce Sale, Saturday 16th February

A coffee morning will be held on Saturday 16th February in the Village Hall from 10.30 am until noon to raise Church funds. Entry is 50p which includes a cup of coffee. There will be a raffle, tombola and cake and produce stalls. We would welcome donations for the raffle of good quality items, including bottles of wine etc. and also cakes and produce. Please deliver raffle prizes and produce to Gill and Glen Wright at ‘Chaparral’, Yoxall Road. If possible please bring cakes to the Village Hall on the Saturday morning. The usual delicious Bacon Butties will also be available during the morning!

Jumble Sale, Saturday 6th April 2019

The annual church jumble sale will take place at 2.00 pm on Saturday 6th April at the Village Hall. We would be grateful for any items in good condition that we could sell – clothes, small bric-a-brac, books etc. are all welcome but we cannot accept any electrical items or large furniture. Please bring any items to the Hall on Saturday morning between 10.00 and 11.30. Should you have a problem transporting items, give Peter Gee on 472157 and he will arrange transport.
Offers to help sort and sell the goods would be most welcome – please contact Peter to confirm your availability.

Gardening Guild

Gardener’s thoughts are now turning to spring with the hellebores flowering and bulbs starting to appear. The very topical theme for the talk on 18th February in the Village Hall is “Snowdrops”; this talk was due to take place last February but had to be cancelled, so members are looking forward to hearing Helen Harrison talk on this subject. New members and visitors welcome.

Kings Bromley Bowling Club

Kings Bromley bowling club will be holding its AGM on Friday 15th February at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. We welcome existing members and prospective new members to the meeting which will be followed by light refreshments.