Village news from Helen Price – 4th April 2019


Village news from Helen Price – 4th April 2019

Published 2 April 2019

Jumble Sale, Saturday 6th April

The jumble sale will be held at the Village Hall at 2.00 p.m. on Saturday 6th April. Any clothes, small bric-a-brac and books in good condition would be very welcome. Please bring offerings to the hall on the Saturday morning between 10.00 and 11.30 am or ring Peter Gee on 472157 to arrange transport. Offers to help sort and sell the goods would be most welcome; again, please contact Peter Gee.

Spring Fete, Saturday 13th April 2019

Kings Bromley Care Home hold their Spring Fete on Saturday 13th April from 3.00 – 5.00 pm. Amongst the attractions will be a tombola, craft stalls, raffle and BBQ. Sounds Familiar provide entertainment.

Entrance is free: do come along and support this local event to raise much-needed funds for activities within our local nursing home. Anybody wishing to volunteer their time and help at the Home, e.g. with activities such as knitting etc. or our garden project, would be warmly welcomed. Please ring Emma on 01283 576145 for further information.

Mobile Library

With effect from April the Mobile Library service is changing its dates and times in Kings Bromley. Starting from Friday 12th April the library van will be calling fortnightly on a Friday from 10.00 am until 11.00 am. It will still be sited in Lanes Close opposite the Richard Crosse School.