Village news from Helen Price – 20/9/18


Village news from Helen Price – 20/9/18

Published 17 September 2018

Wednesday Club

On September 5th we set out on our summer outing to Shrewsbury and our trip was a great success. The weather was good, our first stop was at Dobbies Garden Centre for morning coffee and we then continued to Shrewsbury. We alighted our coach by the river and went to book a trip on the Sabrina for later in the day. Maps of the town and attractions were readily available, there were plenty of places to eat and a super Market Hall open 6 days a week. Some headed to town, others visited the castle and museum or Quarry Park to see The Dingle Garden – a project of the late Percy Thrower when he was head gardener. A very pleasant day was had by all.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday October 3rd at 2.30pm when our speaker Marion Baldwin will talk about “Hats.”

Kings Bromley WI

The meeting in September saw the WI enjoy hearing all about “The Living Churchyard”, a talk and slideshow by Ruth Williams.

Ruth enjoys looking around churchyards and doesn’t find them morbid. She told us how she joined a historical group and within several years became a judge for the Lichfield Diocese. This role led her to visit a huge area of the district judging churchyards and take some very professional photographs. These she shared with us in the form of a slideshow when we learned about the eco systems and habitats found in a churchyard. Centuries ago the churchyard would have been a social hub for the parish, holding fairs and festivals . The north side of a churchyard was seen as being inhabited by the devil and some would even have a brewhouse and make their own beer to sell at these fairs and festivals. The ladies heard all about the flora and fauna and wildlife to be found in a churchyard.

The ladies congratulated our members Florence Coxon and Margaret Smith for winning the County doubles bowls tournament. They played at Little Stone, and won with a terrific 22-18 for those in the know. Well done ladies, we look forward to seeing the rose bowl trophy . We have the coach booked for our trip in November to see the Calendar Girls play by Gary Barlow ” The Girls”, and lunch has been arranged at an Italian restaurant before the show. The meeting closed with a raffle and social time and we meet again on 4th October.