Village news from Helen Price – 30th May 2019


Village news from Helen Price – 30th May 2019

Published 27 May 2019

Kings Bromley Open Gardens and Opening of Renovated Village Hall

The Open Gardens and re-opening of the Village Hall will now be a combined event. The Gardens will be open from 12 am to 5 pm Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June. The re-opening of the Village Hall will start with the Kings Bromley Harmony Choir performing at 11 am on the Saturday.

We now have nine gardens. Proceeds from the event will be split between the Church Restoration Fund and the Village Hall. Watch out for the WI yarn bombing, the Ryknild Rabble Morris dancers and the jazz band in Jonathan Nason’s garden. The church will be open for a more calm experience, decorated with flowers to celebrate the weekend.

Iron Man event, Sunday 9th June

The Iron Man event will again pass through Kings Bromley resulting in road closures and restricted access between 7.00 and 11.00 on the morning of 9th June.

Staffordshire Community Speed Watch

There are now 69 active Speedwatch teams in Staffordshire, comprising 327 volunteers. The aim is to stop speeding rather than catch offenders and the very sight of hi-vis jacketed volunteers does make motorists more aware of their speed through built up areas.

The Kings Bromley group is also sending photos of HGVs violating the weight restricted turns on the A515 to the police through CSW. If you catch any offenders on your phone cameras please send the photos to Allan Howard at