Kings Bromley Voluntary Car Share Scheme


Kings Bromley Voluntary Car Share Scheme

Published 11 October 2018

Kings Bromley Voluntary Car Share Scheme
Parishioners may not know that there is a scheme in place in the village whereby those without transport can ring a volunteer to see if they are able to transport them to the doctors, dentist, hospital etc. If you would like to know more about this please contact the Parish Clerk in the first instance by calling 07751603031. He will then put you in touch with the local coordinator.
Call for more volunteers.
At present there are around 8 volunteers with a further 3 recruits recently offering their services. More drivers are required. If you feel you have a few hours spare on the odd day then please put you name forward. To give you some idea the service was used last month on around 17 occasions so this is not a large commitment. Again contact the clerk on the number above.