Minerals Plan
Published 15 June 2015
Many parishioners are concerned by the flyer that they have received about the County Council’s Draft Mineral Plan, where it appears that Kings Bromley has been engulfed in a sea of pink. The new plan is, I believe, a considerable improvement on the previous plan which identified several sites west of the A38 for development. The Parish Council’s response to that was to urge the County Council to only consider sand and gravel extraction west of the A38 once all alternatives east of the A38 had been exhausted. This appears to be the strategy that has been adopted. The County Council is, however, keeping its options open by identifying the pink ‘area of search’ where future extraction may take place – subject to the environmental guidelines outlined in the plan. There is no date given for when the area of search will be searched – that depends on demand and capacity.
The issue will be debated at the next Parish Council meeting on 8th July, which all parishioners can of course, attend and at which we hope to have our District and County Councillors. Parishioners can speak at the beginning of Parish Council meetings, and also during the meeting at the discretion of the Chairman.It will be decided there how the Parish Council needs to respond to the new plan, and whether it will do so on its own or in conjunction with the other affected parishes – Alrewas, Fradley and Yoxall.
This note has been prepared by the Chairman of the Parish Council and contains his personal opinions. It does not represent the opinion or policy of the Kings Bromley Parish Council which, as stated, has yet to discuss the new plan.
Allan Howard, Chairman, Kings Bromley Parish Council.