Village news from Helen Price – 29/3/18


Village news from Helen Price – 29/3/18

Published 27 March 2018

Kings Bromley Village Hall Refurbishment

The Parish Council displayed draft plans for the refurbishment of the Village Hall at an open morning in the Village Hall on Saturday. Villagers were invited to provide feedback on all aspects of the plans and suggest ideas for future fundraising. There was plenty of interest and many ideas proffered.

The ladies of the WI kindly provided refreshments and, as an added bonus, everyone was treated to two excellent performances from Kings Bromley’s very own Village Harmony Choir.

Church Jumble Sale, Saturday 14th April

The jumble sale will be held at the Village Hall at 2.00 p.m. on Saturday 14th April. Any clothes, small bric-a-brac and books in good condition would be very welcome. Please bring offerings to the hall on the Saturday morning between 10.00 and 11.30 am or ring Peter Gee on 472157 to arrange transport. Offers to help sort and sell the goods would be most welcome; again, please contact Peter Gee.

Tweenies Parent and Toddler Group

The group runs on a Thursday morning in the village hall from 9.30 till 11.30 a.m. Please continue to support this activity which provides so much fun, play and socialisation for families of the village and surrounding areas.
£1 per child and 50p for the raffle. Contact Kerry Helliwell on 07875 367379