Community Governance Review – your input is required


Community Governance Review – your input is required

Published 11 February 2022

Lichfield District Council is undertaking a review of community governance arrangements looking at current and future parish level provision across Lichfield District.

As part of the review, the council has launched a consultation open to all parish councils, residents, businesses, community groups and other stakeholders.

As a key consultee, we would like to invite your Council to submit its views.

The Review can consider one or more of the following options:

  • creating, merging, altering or abolishing parishes
  • the naming of parishes and the style of new parishes and the creation of town councils
  • the electoral arrangements for parishes (for instance, the ordinary year of election; council size; the number of councillors to be elected to the council, and parish warding)
  • grouping parishes under a common parish council or de-grouping parishes
  • other types of local arrangements, including parish meetings

Full Details can be found on the Council’s website:

Submissions can be submitted online at:

We would be grateful if Parish Councils could help raise awareness of the review. To assist we have provided a simple tool kit (please find attached).

A copy of our press release is below. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Kind regards

Alfie Thomas

Governance Review Officer

Lichfield District Council

m: 07812496837
