Village news from Helen Price – 30/8/18


Village news from Helen Price – 30/8/18

Published 9 September 2018

Ride and Stride

The annual Ride and Stride takes place this year on Saturday September 8th. Participants are sponsored by family and friends to visit as many churches as they can between 10 am and 6 pm. In 2017 137 churches took part in Staffordshire and 77 cyclists and walkers were sponsored. A total of £9047 was raised and gift aid will increase this amount. The money is used to make grants to churches for repairs and essential maintenance. Half the money raised by each cyclist/walker is returned to their home church.
If cycling or walking is too strenuous for you, you can still take part travelling by public
transport or car.
We need a rota of volunteers in church throughout the day to welcome visitors and sign their forms to prove they have called so, if you can spare just an hour on Saturday 8th September, please contact Glen Wright on 472622 for more details.

Grand Draw and Quiz, Saturday 10th November

Thanks to all who have donated prizes for this year’s Grand Draw. If anyone else would like to donate or would like to book a table of 4 for the quiz, we would be grateful if you would let us know please. Please contact Gill and Glen Wright 472622.