Village news from Helen Price – 3rd Jan 19


Village news from Helen Price – 3rd Jan 19

Published 31 December 2018

Kings Bromley Whist Drives

Tuesday afternoon whist drives in the Village Hall will restart after Christmas on 8th January at the usual time, 1.30 for a prompt 2.00 pm start. They will continue weekly due to popular demand. If you have not been before how about giving it a try, we play friendly whist with a break for tea and coffee.
Entrance is £1.50 to cover the cost of hiring the Village Hall.

HS2 Community and Environment Fund Award

The Kings Bromley Parish Council and Village Hall Committee are delighted to announce that we have been awarded a contribution of £50,000 towards the Kings Bromley Village Hall Refurbishment project from the Phase One HS2 Community and Environment Fund.

The Fund supports local communities that are demonstrably disrupted by the construction of Phase One of the brand new high-speed railway which is being built between London and the West Midlands.

This means that, with the generous donations already received from village organisations and residents, we are now able to go ahead with the tendering process.

Following earlier consultation with members of the local community, the plans have been amended to incorporate suggested improvements. The project will include a major upgrade of the kitchen and toilet facilities together with improvements to the lobby area.

We hope you will all be as pleased as we are that we can finally give the Village Hall the ‘facelift’ badly needed and we shall continue with our fund-raising activities through the sale of bricks and approaches to other funding sources, so that we can hopefully also make some improvements to the main hall area.