Kings Bromley Neighbourhood Plan. Call for volunteers.


Kings Bromley Neighbourhood Plan. Call for volunteers.

Published 12 January 2020

Neighbourhood planning was introduced by the Localism Act in 2011. The idea behind localism is that decision-making be passed to a more local level, from national or local government to local communities. Parish and town councils or neighbourhood forums (in unparished areas) can produce neighbourhood plans for their local areas, putting in place a strategy and policies for the future development of the area. Parish Councils that have Neighbourhood Plans can a) influence the planning and development decisions made by the District both through their Local Plan and in one-off decisions, b) get larger CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) payment from developments and c) demonstrate that they have involved their parishioners in the important issues concerning the future of their community.
Kings Bromley Parish Council has decided to produce such a Neighbourhood Plan. The intention is to complete the process in the 2020/21 financial year. A small working group consisting of councillors Charles Cole, Jack Burkinshaw and Allan Howard has been set up carry this out.
If any parishioner would like to join, or advise, this group please get in touch with Allan Howard on 472720. What would be useful to us is expertise in planning, environmental issues etc. and also in drafting professional documents on software such as Publisher.

Allan Howard, Chairman, Kings Bromley Parish Council.