Village news from Helen Price – 28th Feb 2019


Village news from Helen Price – 28th Feb 2019

Published 25 February 2019

Kings Bromley Whist Drives

Tuesday afternoon whist drives in the Village Hall begin at 1.30 for a prompt 2.00 pm start. They continue weekly due to popular demand. If you have not been before how about giving it a try, we play friendly whist with a break for tea and coffee. Entrance £1.50 to cover the cost of hiring the Village Hall.

Dedication Event at Kings Bromley Village Hall

On Saturday 2 March at 2pm, there will be an event in Kings Bromley Village Hall to dedicate a new piece of playground equipment donated by a charity concerned with Motherhood, Loss and the First World War. Everyone is welcome to come along to join in the celebration which will include singing by the Village Harmony Choir and poetry readings from pupils of Richard Crosse school. Kings Bromley Historians will be putting on a display commemorating the 14 men from Kings Bromley who died in WWI. Refreshments will be provided by the WI. Entrance is free.

The newly revised Village Hall refurbishment plan will also be on display and the appointed builder, RJK, will be present to meet any village hall users. The Parish Council is pleased to announce that the refurbishment project starts on 25th March and will take about eight weeks.

Kings Bromley Open Gardens 2019

The Kings Bromley Open Gardens weekend will take place on 15th and 16th June. If you would like to take part in this and live within the village boundary, there will be an initial meeting for all those expressing an interest at 36 Alrewas Road on Tuesday 12th March starting at 8.00 p.m. Please ring Alison or Allan Howard on 01543 472720 for further information.