Village news from Helen Price – 7/6/18


Village news from Helen Price – 7/6/18

Published 4 June 2018

Kings Bromley Gardening Guild

In May, Gardening Guild members and friends had a lovely evening in the garden belonging to one of the members. Dianne and Ray were very hospitable and everyone enjoyed walking around the garden, looking at the variety of plants, sharing gardening stories and making the most of a warm spring evening.
The meeting on 18 June in the Village Hall will welcome Brian Storer speaking about ‘Growing for Showing’; as a winner of many prizes and trophies at Kings Bromley Show, he will be able to give some tips to those planning to compete in the Horticultural Section.

Card Sale, Saturday 9th June

There will be a card sale at the Village Hall on Saturday 9th June between 10.30 am and 12 noon.
All the usual items will be on sale:- Birthday, Anniversary, Sympathy, Get Well cards etc. Wrapping paper, Notelets, Serviettes, Gift bags and much more. There will be a selection of home made cakes for sale – do come along and have a chat over a free cup of tea, coffee and biscuits.

Open Gardens, Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th June

We now have a final total of eleven gardens, including four which have never been open before and one which is re-opening under new ownership. The WI will be ‘yarn bombing’ and providing teas on the Saturday. Other gardens will be providing refreshments and plant stalls with plants at very competitive prices.

For children there will be ‘fairy finding’ and at one of the gardens there will be a band playing. Please support this event; all proceeds will again be given to the Kings Bromley Village Hall Refurbishment Fund. Ring Allan Howard on 472720 for more detail.

Tweenies Parent and Toddler Group

Tweenies Parent and Toddler group runs on a Thursday morning in the village hall from 9.00 am till 11.00 am. Please continue to support this activity which provides fun, play and socialisation for families of the village and surrounding areas. Contact Kerry Helliwell on 07875 367379.