
Weight Restriction Campaign

Published 18 December 2016

Weight Restriction on A515
On 14th November a meeting of the A515 Action Group was held at Kings Bromley Village Hall. The County Council Member for Transport, Mr. Mark Deaville declined to attend. This meeting was the culmination of an 18 month campaign to try to get the County Council to impose a 7.5 tonne weight limit on the A515 between Draycott in the Clay and Wood End Lane. The case, as far as we can see, is irrefutable and was supported by the vast majority of residents in Draycott, Yoxall and Kings Bromley whose petition was presented to the Council.
To listen to a recording of the meeting, in which the arguments for the weight limit are set out, please click here. Sound bite (17.0 Mb)
The response of the County to our representations was that they have no plan to impose a weight limit. The campaign will now move into a new phase, which may include direct action. For this reason Councillors Howard and Browne have stepped down from the Action Group as some such actions may not be appropriate for Parish Councillors to be involved in. Councillor Browne however is representing Kings Bromley Parish Council on a ‘Transport Forum’, which Mr. Deaville has set up. However we believe that this is little more than a talking shop.

Best Kept Village – another win

Published 6 October 2016

At a ceremony held by the Jubilee Seat at 6pm on 30th September, Kings Bromley were presented with the Best Kept Village Trophy for the Lichfield and Cannock District for the fifth year in a row. Parish Council Chairman Allan Howard welcomed villagers and guests including Janet Eagland, Chair of Staffordshire County Council, Cllr David Salter, Chair of Lichfield District Council and his wife Pam and Chris Welch, Chief Executive of the Community Council of Staffordshire. Allan thanked the Councils for their continued support for the Best Kept Village competition in the current climate of cutbacks. John Perry, Chairman of the BKV Working Group, then gave his remarks on behalf of the Group and the judges; once again praise was given for the way the Church and its surrounds were maintained, the quality of the posters produced by the children of the Richard Crosse School which were displayed in the Village Hall and the general state of the public spaces and private house fronts. Janet Eagland then presented the 2016 winners’ plaque before all retired to the Chairman’s house for tea and cakes.
bkv pic

Cameron Homes donation presentation

Published 24 September 2016

Presentation Cameron Homes kindly made a very generous donation to the parish council of £5000 to go towards the village hall roof repairs and the purchase and installation of a defibrillator. The picture shows Sonya from Cameron homes with from left to right Cllr. Mary Gair, Charles Cole, Cllr. Steve Browne and parish chairman Cllr. Allan Howard.

New Councillor

Published 12 August 2016

At its meeting on 10th August the Parish Council co-opted Mr. Charles Cole of Sunningdale, Alrewas Road. Charles has recently moved to the village and is keen to get involved in the many local issues that are currently affecting our community such as quarrying, HS2 and traffic. His contact details can be found under the Parish Council section on this web site.

Churchyard Group

Published 12 May 2016

The award winning churchyard group needs more members. If you have the time to spare on a Wednesday morning starting at 9.30, and can handle a mower, please consider joining.

40 MPH limit

Published 12 May 2016

Villagers will have noticed that forty mile an hour speed limits have been set up on the entrances to the village on the A515 and A513. The intention is that this will slow traffic before it gets to the 30 mph limit areas. The Parish Council would like to thank our County Councillor Martyn Tittley whose efforts made this possible. The Parish Council continues to make the case to County for a weight restriction on the A515 and is reminding transport companies who have agreed not to use the A515 & A513 to honour their commitments; it is our contention that there is no reason for heavy goods vehicles to use the A515, which is not fit for purpose, when the proper route of the A38 & A50 is available.

Best Kept Village

Published 6 April 2016

Its BKV time again, and this year we are going for our fourth win in a row. In a few weeks time street reps will be posting A5 posters through your doors. Please put these up in your front windows.

Please be vigilant about litter. If anyone sees any dog fouling our paths or verges, please remind the owners of their responsibilities.

We will be having a village clean up on Sunday 24th at 11am. Please congregate in front of the Village Hall, where black plastic bin bags will be available.

Judging takes place throughout May, June and July.

Allan Howard

Open Gardens, Fairies & Pirates, Yarn Bombing

Published 21 March 2016

Kings Bromley will be holding its annual Open Gardens on June 11th and June 12th from 12pm to 5pm. This year it will be combined with a ‘Fairies and Pirates’ and ‘Yarn Bombing’ event run by the Pre-School and WI (details from Teresa da Costa and WI). Proceeds from the Open Gardens will go towards the fund for renovating the Village Hall, held by the Gardening Guild. We could do with some more gardens, if you are prepared to help in any way please contact Allan Howard on 01543 472720.

On the Sunday why not combine cheering on the Iron Men competitors in the morning with garden visiting in the afternoon – or combine taking your children or grandchildren to the Fairies and Pirates and Saturday afternoon with some garden visits – they will need to search for hidden fairies.

Allan Howard

HM Queen 90th Birthday

Published 16 March 2016

.. it is Her Majesty’s 90th birthday soon. The parish council understands that no specific plans have been made to commemorate this in the parish. However should individuals or groups wish to make their own arrangements then they are obviously free to do so.

Mobile Library Service

Published 15 March 2016

Staffordshire County Council announce changes to the mobile library service.
From 1st April 2016 the mobile library will be at Kings Bromley every three weeks on a Wednesday, from 2.15pm to 4.15pm at Richard Crosse School.

Annual Open Parish Meeting

Published 10 March 2016

This years Annual Open Parish Meeting will be held at the village hall on Wednesday 20th April at 8pm. All are welcome to attend.
This is your chance to come along and hear what has been going on in the village and parish. Many local organisations will be present along with Councillors. Many initiatives are affecting the village at present from HS2 to quarrying so come along and express your concerns.

Emergency aid may not be too far away

Published 12 February 2016

The parish council is considering ‘adopting’ the red BT phone box by the War Memorial. It is hoped that funding can then be found to have installed a defibrillator. Watch this space for progress.

A Neighbourhood Plan for Kings Bromley – can you help?

Published 12 February 2016

Your Parish Council is considering compiling a Neighbourhood Plan (was known as a Parish Plan). Having such a plan will help map the way the parish is developed and managed in future. Much work is required to gather all the information that is required before the plan is submitted to the District for approval. Such plans should be community led and as such the parish council is seeking a number of volunteers with expertise in planning, statistic, mapping, design and IT. Input is also welcome from anyone with a general interest in the village and parish as a whole. If you feel you have the time to become involved and want to make a real difference to your community please get in touch in the first instance with the parish clerk – email is
More info is here Neighbourhood plan information (61.1 Kb)

Dog Fouling

Published 12 February 2016

Unfortunately an increase in the number of dog fouling incidents has been reported to the Parish Council. This is unacceptable behaviour by a minority of dog owners. It is surprising that these incidents take place under the cover of darkness. If any resident does witness this unsavoury behaviour please take a note and report the individual to the parish clerk who will in turn inform Lichfield District Councils’ wardens.

Blocked drains in the village

Published 30 January 2016

Severn Trent have recently been called out to unblock mains drains in the village. Parishioners are reminded that, even with modern pumped systems, drains can and will become blocked if cooking fats/oils and sanitary products/wipes are flushed.

Flood Risks as of 4th January 2016

Published 4 January 2016

Blithfield reservoir started to over flow at 04:00 this morning 4th Jan and therefore a greater amount of water will be entering the Trent at Nethertown intersection today to the tune of 250 million litres a day (Ml/d). Whilst this sounds quite dramatic we have seen overflow levels above 1000 Ml/d.
I will inspect the banks later on today (In Kings Bromley) but as of yesterday the levels didn’t pose a risk to the village and I don’t anticipate a change over the coming 48hrs.

I will be in touch with the EA today for further info.