Temporary Weight Restrictions Made Permanent


Temporary Weight Restrictions Made Permanent

Published 26 August 2020

Staffordshire County Council have made the following announcement:

‘On 26th February 2019 an experimental Traffic Order (TRO) to ban HGV traffic turning right/left off the A515 into 3 link roads came into force for 18 months … the experimental TRO will be processed to become permanent from 26th August 2020’

The three weight restricted turns are at Yoxall, Kings Bromley and Woodend Lane.

Some residents are concerned that a number of HGVs are continuing to flout the bans. To determine the extent of the problem a count will be made at the A513/A515 junction (the War Memorial) on Mon 31st August and Tuesday 1st September. Offending vehicles will be identified. If any residents would like to take part in this exercise, please get in touch with Allan Howard on 472720 or alan.how8@btinternet.com